Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #1
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Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #1

Event\Storyline: Civil War II Writer: Christos N. Gage Artist: Travel Foreman Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 8, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 16
7.2Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN GETS CAUGHT UP IN CIVIL WAR II! There's a new Inhuman with the ability to seemingly predict the future, and as the heroes of the Marvel Universe continue to grapple with their feelings about his very existence one thing almost everyone can agree on is that he bears a tremendous responsibility to use his powers safely. Peter Parker, aka THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, knows a thing or two about that -- too bad he's also got the ol' Parker luck working against him.
Rated T+

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Jun 8, 2016

    If every Civil War II tie-in is like this sign me up for all of them, because the philosophical element of knowing what the future holds and whether that's right or wrong is fascinating. Gage manages to pack this issue with action, big ideas, and strong character moments. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Black Nerd Problems - Keith Reid-Cleveland Jun 9, 2016

    Christos N. Gage and Travel Foreman team up for this issue as a more than capable writer/artist combo. Gage made interesting decisions in this issue and excelled in displaying what makes Peter Parker just like all of us " with his suspicions and sarcasm " and what makes him so different " the crippling weight of his responsibilities. Foreman's art made it convenient for the mind's eye to picture the panels moving in live-action. This was my first time seeing his art and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Heroes Direct - Adam Fitch Jun 19, 2016

    Even if you have no interest in Civil War II, this issue works great as a standalone adventure and you'll still enjoy it if you're a Spidey fan. This tie-in is a logical part of the main event and we're looking forward to #2. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 8, 2016

    Regardless of how the main Civil War II series fares, it seems we can expect some solid tie-ins from Marvel's latest big crossover. Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #1 looks and reads like a logical extension of both Civil War II and the ongoing Amazing Spider-Man comic. Best of all, it works as an enjoyable Spider-Man adventure even if you have no interest in Civil War II. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Comicsverse - Sean Bartley Jun 9, 2016

    CIVIL WAR II: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #1 is a pleasant surprise. Whereas most tie-in books have only a loose connection to the story they're supposed to be related to, this one allows us to spend more time with a character in Ulysses who is woefully underdeveloped. It also establishes a connection between Ulysses and Spider-Man in the most logical way possible, giving Peter an important role in CIVIL WAR II without shoehorning him into the main story. Gage lays many of his cards on the table in this issue, giving him three more issues to expand upon all the great character work he accomplishes here. If you're unsure about which CIVIL WAR II tie-ins to pick up, make sure this one is at the top of your list. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Jun 8, 2016

    Unconcerned with furthering the larger event story, Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #1 is the right kind of use of the tie-in format. While not exactly essential, it still functions as a breezy well developed story that fleshes out characters instead of keeping them in status until the next installment of the main story. Christos Gage, Travel Foreman and Rain Beredo deliver a funny and firmly in character look at some of the event's major players giving them their own arc beyond the battlefield. He may not be the same kid he was the first time around, but this tie-in shows that Peter Parker has the capacity for growth in the face of an ever-changing Marvel Universe. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Kabooooom - Brandon Griffin Jun 9, 2016

    The first issue of Spider-Man's solo adventures during Civil War II leaves readers anxious to see not only what will happened next to our web-headed friend, but how it will affect his role in the crossover event and which side he will find himself on. Not only is Ulysses a blank slate as a character in this universe, but to readers as well since he has literally done nothing but show up and have an ability. This issue provides the first insight as to who Ulysses is and why he's worth our time and money, and if he's all right in Peter's book so far, he's alright in mine. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Jun 9, 2016

    Still, the issue is a solid set up with sharp characterization, one that looks to examine some of the ideas important to the event from a different angle. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Hctor A Jun 11, 2016

    This is shaping up to be a good Spider-Man story. Even if it might not be essential to this event, it looks like it'll be more measured than the mangling this character got during the first Civil War. Still not sure whether I'll pick this up next month but it might be worth giving it a shot. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Superior Spider-Talk - Mark Ginocchio Jun 8, 2016

    Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #1 is a fun read that fits in nicely with the current status quo for Spider-Man. The story suffers a bit from the larger event's weak demonstration of its central thesis, but Spidey fans should be able to mine enough entertaining content to come back for future installments. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Marc Buxton Jun 10, 2016

    This is not essential reading but it sure is fun and it makes the main Civil War II book better by filling in some blanks. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    GAMbIT Magazine - Alan D.D. Jun 10, 2016

    Iron Man, Black Panther, the Fantastic Four, and now Parker. He was one of the very few humble characters and one that struggled with the same this us regular people did. I know this is supposed to be the typical work-hard-and-you-will-succeed message, but it just doesn't suit him. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    ComicList - Eric Bradach Jun 11, 2016

    Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #1 is an unfortunate misfire tie-in. Christos Gage has proven in the past to be a talented writer and he does his best to make this an enjoyable read with its quippy humor. However the story is too contrived and Peter's response to the situation is too opportunistic to engage the readers. It's a meaningless tie-in that simply attaches a popular character to a popular event with no substance or reason to exist. Regrettably, this is attached to some really stellar artwork but that's not enough to save this comic. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Jun 9, 2016

    As an unnecessary tie-in to an event that already comes across as manufactured, "Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man" #1 is about as optional as a comic can get. Those who opt in will find a faulty story wrapped in an attractive package. Read Full Review

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