Daredevil #75

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Alex Maleev Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 20, 2005 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 17
6.3Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

DECALOGUE PART 5 The haunting secret of Matt Murdock's year as Kingpin is revealed in this shocking double-sized conclusion that features a super-sized, hardboiled Daredevil story!

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Jul 28, 2005

    I cant help but feel that for all his brilliant work on Daredevil and Matt Murdock, the time might well be ripe for Bendis to end his run on the title, as it seems hes running out of ideas. I can only hope he brings his A-game to his final arc which begins next issue, because his last year on the title has despite some excellent moments been far more uneven and uninspiring than the rest of his stellar run on the book. It pains me to say it, but without Alex Maleevs undeniable talents (and its been a pleasure to watch him continue to evolve on the book, aided more recently by the greatness of Dave Stewarts constantly mood-enhancing colours), this book wouldnt have scored half as highly. And for Bendis and Maleevs Daredevil, once the high-water mark of Marvel superhero noir, thats particularly damning. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 5, 2005

    Alex Maleev deserves all the credit in the world when it comes to the impact of the scenes in this issue that involve the demon baby creature, as the panels where this entity emerges from it's host are downright horrific, and of course my favourite section of the issue would have to be the scene where Daredevil gropes around blindly for the threat that has the young woman in such a panicked state. Now the rest of the issue deals largely with various shots of the characters reacting to the fairly lengthy speeches that Matt makes in this issue, and I have to say that I was actually surprised by how much I enjoyed these sections of the issue thanks largely to the art, as the book opens with a lovely sequence where we get a look at all the various characters, as they react to Matt's sudden presence in the room. There's also some nice work on the issue's main bit of action, as we see Daredevil discover that the Jester is bringing something extra to the table, with the shot where he's sent f Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jul 25, 2005

    Less interesting: Its something of a disappointment that the supernatural explanation is the one that Bendis goes with after all. The psychological implications of good and evil surrounding the devilish vision (and the parallel to Matts angelic actions in devilish garb) seemed to be heading to some bigger, more world-shaking reveal. I was expecting Mephisto or the Watcher or some other Nocenti-level mumbo-jumbo to be behind a larger plot, but rather its a very small plot: a weak person uses magick ill-advisedly and hurts a lot more people for that foolishness. Not bad, just smaller-scale than the story at first seemed. Read Full Review

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