• Hang on...is that Deadpool or Spider-Man? YES.
• Deadpool "helps out" his "friend" Spider-Man by donning his webs!
• Think Spidey will appreciate it?
The interactions between Deadpool and pretty much everyone he comes in contact with are a thing of bantering beauty in his regular series and Hastings keeps the so-called ball rolling in this Mighty Marvel Team-Up. He keeps the character just as gleefully annoying, as wonderfully insufferable as ever. Have I mentioned how much I love anything Deadpool? I did? Oh, okay. So there ya have it. Read Full Review
If you are a fan of Deadpool or heck, a fan of Spider-Man you are going to want to pick this one up ASAP. Read Full Review
Deadpool Annual #2 offers a completely standalone Deadpool advebture with a completely different creative team from the main book. All you really need to know is that writer Christopher Hastings capitalizes on the comedic potential of the Spider-Man/Deadpool team-up. Read Full Review
Yes, this is technically a standalone story that doesn't really bring anything new front and center, but who cares about that when you're having such a good time? Hastings' story is consistently enjoyable and the visuals by Camagni and Milla are such a perfect fit for the story's energetic and lighthearted vibe. When you see an encounter between Deadpool and Spider-Man, it's fair to expect a ridiculous amount of fun since there's been a few good issues featuring the two (e.g. THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #611, CABLE & DEADPOOL #24). This one may sell Spidey a little short, but that barely takes away from just how entertaining this annual issue is. Read Full Review
Far from being a forgettable read, this annual is a lot of fun. Deadpool and Spider-Man always have a great dynamic, and this story really plays upon that to great effect. However the predictable nature of the story does mean this will hardly be remembered as a classic, but hey, this is Deadpool. This is supposed to just be a bit of fun, right? Read Full Review