Fantastic Four: Grand Design #2

Writer: Tom Scioli Artist: Tom Scioli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 27, 2019 Cover Price: $5.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

It's here! The world's greatest prestige miniseries concludes in titanic fashion! Writer/artist/colorist/letterer TOM SCIOLI distills the magic of Stan and Jack's legendary FF run into forty pages of nonstop fun! Featuring Galactus and the Silver Surfer!
Rated T

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Chino DT Nov 29, 2019

    Tom Scioli took the tough mission of back to the beginning of the First Family, it is not easy to fill King Kirby's shoes, but Scioli does it in a great way, in this number 2 of Grand Design, Scioli takes us on a series of adventures that are brilliantly connected to each other, the first adventure we will find will be the epic showdown of the Fantastic Four against Galactus. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Chase Magnett Nov 27, 2019

    It makes for a fascinating conclusion to the story, one that's bound to make readers familiar with this chronology squint and chuckle, often at the same time. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Venom Dec 2, 2019

    really enjoy it. great to read if you want to know FF.

  • 8.5
    I Review Comics Aug 20, 2020

    Tom Scioli and the editors deserve a lot of credit for condensing 70+ hears of Fantastic Four history into two issues. Way too many titles feel decompressed and padded to exploit retailers that need products to sell and take advantage of the eventual collected Graphic Novel. This one will work as a single volume but there is so much content here that I appreciate that it been broken up into chapters.

    This installment covers "The Coming of Galactus" storyline and concludes post-Marvel Super-Heroes Secret War. There is a lot of direct references to the comics from those eras and Tom even homages significant covers and panels from the comics he's pulling from. This translates to beautiful reading experience for fans of Marvels Firs more

  • 4.0
    Psycamorean Mar 3, 2020

    I put off reading this back in November because I just didn't have the will to read it, but I'm too OCD to not finish what I started. The continuity and canon changes, while small in the first issue, become much bigger here. And they aren't changes for the better of, at the very least, innocuous. There's a Power Rangers homage, for instance. This issue was just stuffing way too much into itself and didn't even tell the story as it was, which is what I assumed these Grand Designs series are supposed to do. I don't regret skipping this for so long.

  • 3.0
    CrazyforRAMU Jun 12, 2020

    The 4 Fs of FF Grand Design:

    Fails as a history because it makes too many pointless story changes.

    Fails as a character analysis because it changes the characters drastically.

    Fails as an independent, "reimagined" story because it's chaotic and ugly.

    Fails as parody -- a role it otherwise fits perfectly -- because it's not funny.

  • 5.5
    tonpas1989 Dec 1, 2019

  • 5.0
    Matsuro Feb 21, 2022

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