Hellcat has reached a breaking point as she is haunted by secrets from her past and hounded by the law, Sleepwalker AND her ex Daimon Hellstrom in the present. With the dark forces conspiring against her and the truth of Spalding Grantham's murder finally about to be exposed, Patsy will undergo a dramatic transformation. Prepare yourselves for the return of?DEMONIC HELLCAT!
Rated T+
One issue. Theres one issue left to go in the series. Cantwell and company have just really gotten going on the series, and its over with Issue #5. The cleverly-crafted story is coming to an end, but Cantwell has found a really nice niche for Patsy that works so well with an area of the Marvel Universe that so rarely gets the right treatment. Hopefully, everything wraps up with a clear conclusion for the next issue. If all goes well, it would be cool to see Cantwell and Lins have another adventure with Patsy. Read Full Review
Hellcat's penultimate issue takes an already-great miniseries and makes it something stunning. Read Full Review
Bringing it all together, Hellcat #4delivers on all the mystery and danger the previous issues have built up. Read Full Review
Coming clean can be both a beautiful and horrific prospect. Read Full Review
Hellcat #4 delivers oodles of exposition and dialog to answer every question but one – who killed Spalding? Still, the volume of answers and explanations is enough to make this issue reasonably satisfying, even if it isn't particularly riveting or entertaining. Read Full Review