Patsy has been transformed into...DEMONIC HELLCAT! With her very humanity at stake, can she overcome the powers of darkness that have been unleashed? All is revealed as both the past and the present collide in a final battle that will determine the rest of Hellcat's future - if she has one!
Rated T+
Hellcat's finale culminates as meaningfully and bizarrely as Patsy Walker deserves. Read Full Review
'Hellcat' sticks the landing in a darkly beautiful concluding issue, leaving Patsy in a very interesting place for future stories. This hellish psychodrama has been one incredible character study, and I hope we don't have to wait too long before we see her again. Read Full Review
Hellcat #5 ends the mini-series with big drama and big reveals, but the net result (sorta) makes everything Hellcat's fault and leaves Hellcat in a worse place than when she started. If the goal was to turn readers into new fans of Hellcat so they'd want to read more, Cantwell didn't understand the homework assignment. Read Full Review
All in all a very solid mini. I like a lot Patsy Walker. She really needs a regular series with a Street/Sobrenatural vibe.
The murder mystery is resolved with sound logic and powerful thematic ties to Patsy's past. It unfolds slowly and painfully, relayed with emotional art and strong words.
But it's not surprising, and it's not as profound as the creators hope it to be.
It's leagues away from bad, but its full potential relies on a big reader buy-in. And even if you're wholly on board with the creators' approach, the reward is a bittersweet, ambiguous ending.
It's an exhausting comic. But I don't regret engaging with it.
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