Invincible Iron Man #12

Event\Storyline: Civil War II Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mike Deodato Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 3, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 13
6.2Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

•  A heartbreaking chapter in the history of Iron Man as the events of CIVIL WAR II come crashing down around him. Plus, what exactly is Doctor Doom up to in the time of all-out CIVIL WAR?
Rated T+

  • 10
    Heroes Direct - Adam Fitch Aug 4, 2016

    This book is just coasting along waiting forCivil War II to be over so it can introduce new takes on the character. It's setting up some interesting stories but it's taking a long, long time to do it. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Oz Longworth Aug 5, 2016

    If anyone else (except maybe Matt Fraction" I mean, he did win an Eisner writing this book) had tried to pull a whole issue of an Iron Man book with no fighting, it probably would have tanked faster than the Suicide Squad movie apparently has. But Bendis and Deodato have managed to keep it fresh and deliver a book that's as solid visually as it is with character development. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Aug 4, 2016

    Invincible Iron Man #12 is a solid issue for what we get out of the everyday life of Tony Stark. There definitely needs to be attention towards elements of Civil War II that will turn away readers, but also attention towards things that should affect the story from what we do know. Particularly the effect of losing Rhodey. The small outburst we got didn't entirely feel like enough. Read Full Review

  • 6.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 30, -0001

    With a different art style, this Civil War II tie-in arc could easily put the series back on track. It manages to explore the impact of Civil War II while also exploring key relationships in Tony Stark's life (not least of which being his burgeoning friendship with Riri Williams). Sadly, Deodato's stiff artwork and Martin's dreary colors are a poor match for the story. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Aug 6, 2016

    Invincible Iron Man #12 is no longer the series I signed up for. It's still got some entertaining bits and characters, but it is overshadowed by Civil War II without even really tying into that event. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    411Mania - RobF Aug 11, 2016

    Bendis and Co. used this issue to wrap up some lingering issues while incorporating Civil War to the narrative. In that aspect it was successful. But in the end the execution is where it ultimately failed. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    ComicList - Eric Bradach Aug 12, 2016

    Invincible Iron Man #12 has extremely little going for it and is beyond frustrating. The enjoyable moments are just too far in-between and at the end of the issue you find yourself asking, what was accomplished here? This issue is essentially filler at a time when there isn't a panel to waste. Its debut issue was one of the best to come out of the new Marvel line-up post Secret Wars(2015), but now with the dragged out story-lines, interference from Civil War II, and poor artwork make this comic one to be passed on. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Aug 3, 2016

    Invincible Iron Man #12 might be leading Marvel to some interesting places, but it's certainly a slog getting there. Read Full Review

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