With the Midnight Sons now (mostly) banded together, a showdown is imminent... Which means Blade must finally answer to his former comrades! Can Blade be saved? What about his enemies? And what's the future for the Midnight Sons?
Rated T+
. On the whole this was the perfect Marvel event to revive this team, but it squandered its potential. Read Full Review
Putting a book end on this review, I can honestly say although I had some problems with this issue, I don't regret giving it a read. The art and the Blade storyline were worth the read. Plus, it made me excited to see what the launch of Blade #1 will be. Read Full Review
I thought this was a fun little horror/action story. There is a lot of great art throughout and the Ghost Riders are used well. Danny Ketch performs an exorcism by whipping his metal chain around like some sorta red-neck-monk and declaring, "Cleansed"- issa real horrorcore vibe- What more could you want? Victoria Montesi was a neat magical character featured in this story as well. It's a solid/fun issue that would work as an episode of an FX or Adult Swim-level show, IMHO. I hope this crew plays into the upcoming Blade series by the same writer.
Not a bad ending here. I knew Blade would lose and be separated from Varnae in Blood Hunt #5, but I did save that issue for last in my, personal, reading order. So, the ending of this issue came a little bit out of left field. That said, I completely understand Hill wanting to, somewhat, set the stage for his new Blade series, which I am interested in reading.
Lol, okay I guess.