Mighty Avengers #5

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Frank Cho Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 17, 2007 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 8
7.0Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Iron Man has been destroyed, the Sentry's wife is murdered, nuclear missiles are being launched around the world and the one man with the plan to stop the new and improved Ultron...is a God of War who's been an Avenger a total of five minutes.

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Oct 22, 2007

    Mighty Avengers #5 was a good read. Mighty Avengers certainly offers up better dialogue, character work, action and artwork that its sister title in New Avengers. It is nice to get a story arc that is fitting for an Avengers title. Mighty Avengers serves readers all the necessary ingredients for a quality Avengers story a big name monster villain, an Earth threatening crisis and tons of action. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 17, 2007

    By and large this issue is more of the same. More witty exchanges. More annoying thought balloons. More disturbingly alluring shots of Ultron. It won't exactly win over a legion of new fans, but the overall execution has improved to the point where persistent readers will finally start to feel rewarded. Read Full Review

  • 6.7
    IGN - Bryan Oct 17, 2007

    To be fair, I'm just being harsh because it's taken so damn long to come out and the payoff doesn't seem to merit the wait. That aside, there are some pluses to be mentioned. Ms. Marvel has a nice character moment towards the end there, especially in light of her new mandate post-House Of M, and Frank Cho does draw a really great dead body. I know he's to blame for the wait, but this book honestly looks gorgeous. I might not mind as much if the script were a little stronger. It doesn't help that New Avengers has moved along (read: been on time) and basically spoiled the end of this arc (read: the world doesn't end). Also, NA is doing things in its pages that seem to actually matter to the Marvel Universe at large and Mighty is diddling about with a bulbous Jantron. Easily the worst Avengers title out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Oct 19, 2007

    Frankly, I'll be happy when this arc is over. The delays in shipping caused by Cho's late art would be harmful enough on their own, but the fact that this book has recently become more important in the wider scheme of Bendis' Avengers plans makes them particularly keenly felt. This, compounded by the uneventful nature of the current storyline, has created a sense of impatience to see how it all connects together - and the fact that we've already seen the Mighty Avengers (including the "dead" Iron Man) alive and well in the pages of their sister title has robbed this arc of much of its drama. I only hope that Cho can finish issue #6 this side of Christmas, and that Mark Bagley has got enough issues in the can that the book can catch up with its shipping schedule in time for next summer's big Secret Invasion crossover. Read Full Review

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