Mighty Avengers #6

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Frank Cho Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 19, 2007 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 9
4.9Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

The shocking conclusion to the Ultron terror as the Avengers reassemble and go on the offensive. It's now or never for an Ultron butt-kicking. How on Earth will Tony Stark survive this??? And how does this connect to the startling Skrull infestation that may have taken over the Marvel Universe? The next big clue to the truth is HERE!!

  • 6.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Dec 19, 2007

    So I have a lot of nice things to say about this finale issue, but I could throw out at least as many complaints. I'll keep them brief for fear of sounding like a broken record. Basically, this book in no way lives up to its sister series, New Avengers, which has its own fair share of flaws. The team dynamic isn't nearly as interesting, the types of threats they face pale in comparison to Skrulls and The Hood, and the overall execution is just disappointing. While Bendis makes some inroads into rectifying these problems, it may come as too little, too late for readers who have been hanging on since March. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Dec 27, 2007

    The issue looks great, as usual, with Cho more than capable of rendering the familiar occurrences inside: A microscopic journey into an artificial environment, a maddened hero who does more harm than good, a last minute save that shouldnt work but does because of dramatic timing. Its all pretty shallow, but action-filled, which still makes it more fun than the usual issue of the companion title. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Dec 19, 2007

    Nothing to see here, move along. Read Full Review

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