• Who's behind the stretchy, fiery, wispy and rocky thefts going on all around town?
• Has the Fantastic Four turned to a life of crime -
waitaminute, there ain't no more FF anymore!
• It's all up to Lunella Lafayette to solve the case!
Rated T
This issue keeps up the pace on the charm offensive. DC currently struggles to depict Barbara Gordon as both funny, quirky and intelligent - they could do worse than follow the example set by Moon Girl. This is how you do a colorful, funny book that appeals to a younger demographic while charming older readers. In fact its a masterclass in the art of making a fun comic. Plus some cool cut out Valentine Cards at the back of the issue - neat and cost cutting! Me like! Read Full Review
A fun issue with a strong message. The series continues to balance fun superhero antics with helpful lessons for kids. Read Full Review
After a shaky start, the Fantastic Three have found their feet. Giving them a little breathing room before they tackle full-on world-saving is a great idea, and the way their chemistry starts to pop in this issue has livened up the whole story arc. Lunella + Ben Grimm + Johnny Storm always had potential, and now, at last, we're seeing it realized. I'm eager to see where they go next. Read Full Review
Lunella takes the reins of the new Fantastic Three, piloting them through a perfect low-stakes mission (getting a cat out of a tree) before turning back to the ongoing universal destruction threat. The slowdown is vitally necessary, as is Lunella's reasoned acceptance of the value of teamwork. The return of Natacha Bustos's art is also highly welcome; she puts satisfying cartoony polish on a plot that leans heavily on slapstick.