New Avengers #25

Event\Storyline: Civil War Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Jim Cheung Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 15, 2006 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 9
6.6Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

NEW AVENGERS DISSASEMBLED PART 5 Tony Stark is gearing up for the final battle of the Civil War and he thinks he has it all under control. But Tony has made a fatal mistake and he will pay the price!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Nov 17, 2006

    The one major drawback with the issue is that Bendis doesn't really explore Iron Man's pro-registration stance in any depth. With Stark incapacitated for most of the issue, it's all he can do to listen to the complaints of his adversary, who is aggrieved that Stark would use his technology to fight Captain America and his "Secret Avengers." I can only conclude that Bendis finds it a lot harder to capture the voice of the pro-registration faction of heroes than he does the anti-registration crew, and it's a little disappointing that - after four strong issues in which his chosen Avenger remains at best undecided - he can't add some balance to the Civil War event by giving Stark some truly convincing arguments. Despite all this, though, it's probably the final pages of the issue that will really get people talking. The likely change to the status quo of both Iron Man and S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Hill holds a lot of promise for future storylines, and it would certainly up the stakes in t Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Murman Nov 16, 2006

    When Tony actually does open his yapper, it has nothing to do with anything. And thats a shame. Iron Man should have meant so much more to the 616 than he does right now. His Ultimate versions (both Millars and Cards) are way more interesting and readable. Well see what hes like once hes running an actual clandestine outfit instead of a public humiliation once Civil War wraps. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Nov 28, 2006

    In taking a simple premise and resisting the urge to stretch it out to ridiculous lengths, Bendis has managed to produce a halfway decent Avengers issue here. It certainly won't go down in history as a classic as it's far too flawed for that, but it's not too bad at all, and it does look great. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Nov 16, 2006

    New Avengers #25 is another pedestrian read. Bendis continues to completely unimpress me with his feeble efforts on these Civil War tie-in issues. Unless you are a huge Bendis fan and blindly love everything he does, or you can't get enough of the Civil War tie-in issues, then I'd avoid New Avengers until the Civil War tie-in issues mercifully come to an end. Read Full Review

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