New Avengers #28

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Leinil Yu Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 14, 2007 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 8
6.7Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

It's the New Avengers versus Elektra and the Hand, AND the New Avengers versus the Mighty Avengers. You think the war is over?? The war is over when Luke Cage says it is!!!

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Hervé St-Louis Apr 9, 2007

    I don't like Yu's work for a series like the Avengers. He's not iconic enough to handle a large cast. Sure, the artwork is fine and he renders each character well, but he just doesn't fit the story. It feels like one is reading a ninja comic book or Street Fighter as opposed to traditional super hero antics. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Mike Williams Mar 23, 2007

    Once a few more of these blanks start getting filled in as to how this squad formed, this book will be able to move away from being viewed as merely an anti-registration team to an Avengers lineup ready to add its own chapters to the Earths Mightiest Heroes mythos. Im looking forward to a long run. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Mar 19, 2007

    Yes, there are a couple of minor irritations - Bendis obviously doesn't intend to exploit the full extent of Dr. Strange's powers, and there's a silly bit of business with the Silver Samurai watching Lindsey Lohan movies - but if you can overlook these small flaws, then there's a lot to like about the book. Thinning the New Avengers down to a loose group of rebel street-level heroes has made the book more compelling and exciting than it was in previous issues, and Bendis even has the good sense to downplay the "Who is Ronin?" schtick this time around, rather than making it a central mystery for the story. I hope that the creative team keeps the standard up for this arc and beyond, because even if it still isn't the Avengers in their classic form, this feels like the book that New Avengers should have been all along. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Mar 27, 2007

    This comic looks fantastic, and there are some moments of potential in the writing, but the plotting is still a bit flabby, and I still don't find ninjas, or the mystery of Ronin's identity, to be nearly as exciting as Bendis evidently does. Not bad, but I think Bendis would have been better off drawing a line under this mess and moving on rather than going for another run at it. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Mar 16, 2007

    New Avengers #28 was a total miss with me. I found it to be a rather tedious and bland read. Bendis has failed to get me interested in a single plotline. And Yu's artwork isn't my style of art so it fails to boost a sagging storyline. Read Full Review

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