New Avengers #41

Event\Storyline: Secret Invasion Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Billy Tan Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 28, 2008 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 7
6.6Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

The Avengers are trapped in the Savage Land, battling friend and foe. Meanwhile, Spider-Man heads to the one person in the entire place he knows he can trust: Ka-Zar!! But is it really him?

  • 8.9
    IGN - Dan Phillips May 28, 2008

    And am I the only one who suddenly has an appetite for a Ka-Zar series written by Bendis and drawn by Billy Tan? Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes May 25, 2008

    I had a lot of fun with this issue. It's actually got Avengers in it, plus it's more concurrent with the main Secret Invasion storyline. It's not a key issue, but it does act as a decent supplement until Secret Invasion #3 hits the newsstand next month. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy/Dave Wallace May 27, 2008

    This is one of the better Secret Invasion tie-in issues, as despite some forced Skrull paranoia, it feels like we're beginning to get some answers to questions that have been plaguing readers ever since New Avengers began. The final page cliffhanger is a little underwhelming in that it's pretty difficult to buy into its implications (especially given the current status of the character in his own solo title), but the majority of the issue succeeds thanks to a genuine sense that Bendis' Avengers run is being tied together, and some slick, impressive artwork from Billy Tan. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jun 2, 2008

    New Avengers #41 wasn't bad, but it certainly wasn't anything great. This was simply a resolutely average read. Unless you are craving everything related to Secret Invasion then I wouldn't recommend spending your money on this issue. You definitely do not need to read New Avengers #41 in order to enjoy the events over on Secret Invasion. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 9, 2008

    Needless to say, to be continued... This issue reveals some of the longest running secrets in the New Avengers title, namely what the hell happened in the first five issues. This is good, in a way, in that it's fascinating to see the story behind the story, but it's also indicative of what's wrong with Marvel right now: Bendis was allowed to drag this story out for over four years. After all that build-up, the payoff better be MASSIVE, and I'm not talking "Spider-Woman is the queen of the Skrulls" massive, I'm talking 'Galactus is marrying Aunt May' massive. Secret Invasion has a couple of things going for it, though, the primary being that it's not nearly as nauseatingly all-encompassing as Civil War, and the second being the interesting hook of the Skrulls being able to replace anyone. This issue flies by, with Billy Tan's art giving us an excellent old-school Spider-Man, a sexy Shanna, and some credible action sequences, but the breakneck pace works against the book as wel Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren May 29, 2008

    I can't see anyone benefitting from this. If you didn't know the SHIELD agents from the first arc of New Avengers were Skrulls by now, turn in your comic fan badges at the front desk, do not pass go and do not collect $200. The opening couple pages of laughs did not justify my wasting $3 on this unnecessary story and, while I haven't been thrilled by most of the SI tieins, I haven't felt ripped off or out right regretted any of them like I did this one either. Read Full Review

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