New Avengers #50

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Billy Tan Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 25, 2009 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 7
5.9Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

These solicits are classified until the release of Secret Invasion #8. Pick up the free Marvel Previews: Dark Reign Edition in-stores the same day as Secret Invasion #8. (12/03/2008) Rated T+ …$2.99

  • 9.0
    IGN - Daniel Schmergel Feb 25, 2009

    Bryan's Score: 8.3 Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 26, 2009

    But it's a pure Marvel book, with lots of fighting, light-hearted (and black-hearted) humor, and a few twists along the way. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Keith Dallas Feb 24, 2009

    Overall, this issue was solid, but I honestly expected more from the 50th issue of New Avengers. I'm also a bit torn, because while I wanted a bit more, I was satisfied with what was presented, the great fight scene featuring numerous guest artists, and I am very happy that the Dark Avengers did not battle the Avengers. Norman Osborn is certainly becoming the Lex Luthor of the Marvel Universe, and he's playing games to remain on top. While this issue is dialogue heavy, I think Bendis does a great job handling the characters and keeping the banter realistic and humorous at times. But it is the ending that really interests me and what Osborn's next move will be against the Avengers. This issue's story rates 3.5 silver bullets, but the inclusion of the guest artists bumps this issue up to 4. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Mar 1, 2009

    I wasnt a fan of the artwork this issue. Its mostly agroup effort that always intrude in the immersion a reader has with suchmaterial. I understand that Marvel Comics wanted to make the series seemspecial for each character, but the guest artists arent even iconicillustrators known for their particular renderings of the characters theytackle, so they lose their relevancy. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Mar 7, 2009

    Wow. I did not expect that. Hawkeye's move is a bold one, but I can't be sure that it's not one that will have huge negative consequences down the line. I was worried that this issue was going to blow the big Avenger vs. Faux-venger battle so early in the Dark Reign era (like Vince McMahon says, ya gotta make it last to the pay-per-view) and it's nice to see the team in action against honest-to-Pete villains, but this whole "The Hood is the most powerful blah blah blah fishcakes" is getting old. If he's that big a threat, why does he get beaten senseless every time he appears, hmmm? In any case, the issue isn't a bad one, and serves as an okay milestone, giving us some depth on the various characters, and showing how they see the new world order. I do like Bendis' Spider-Man banter, and the explanation by Wolverine of how he needs to kick Daken's ass to teach the boy a lesson is an example of how to write Logan dialogue well. The various artists do well, but I wish we had Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Feb 25, 2009

    This issue is saved from being just another typical issue of "New Avengers" by the guest artists and Bendis's writing some witty and funny dialogue (at least, some of the time). The plot twist and ending are both clever, and point to Bendis having some long-term plans with the current "Dark Reign" status quo. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Feb 27, 2009

    New Avengers #50 was an extremely disappointing read. And it is made even more so by the fact that Bendis is capable of giving us a much better effort than what he turns in on this title every month. Ultimate Spider-Man is a consistently good read. Dark Avengers has been entertaining. However, New Avengers continues to be one of the most unimpressive reads that Marvel publishes. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Feb 26, 2009

    Never have I paid so much for so little nor have I seen someone take 37 pages and do nothing but give a few guest artists some splash pages to sell online, as there's no story here and nothing new or interesting happening. Read Full Review

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