New X-Men #142

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Chris Bachalo Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 10
7.0Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

ASSAULT ON WEAPON + PART 1 Cyclops has a few too many in the new Hellfire Club. Who's his ride home? None other than Fantomex, the mysterious French mutant mercenary and Wolverine!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Jun 8, 2003

    This is as good as it currently gets with the X-Men. Old fans will be pleased with the intelligent direction, and newer ones will marvel at the over-the-top nature of Mr. Morrison. Another truly exceptional work from the New X-Men creative team. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 17, 2003

    My disinterest in this issue largely stems from the simple fact that there are far more interesting plot threads playing out back at the X-Mansion, as the mystery of who helped Esme murder Emma has yet to be resolved, and I would also like to know if Emma is back on her feet, or was it just a temporary return so she could name her murderer. I also have to confess that Scott Summers is far and away one of my least favorite members of the X-Men, as I've always found him to be dull as dishwater, with the only real interesting element to the character being the times when he had to reign in the more ill tempered members of the X-Men (e.g. Wolverine). The idea that this next arc will be yet another attempt to uncover information about Logan's past also leaves me a bit underwhelmed, as I've never been all that eager to see these gaps filled in. Still this issue works better than I expected it to given Scott is the central focus, and there's a couple clever moments that made this issue quite Read Full Review

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