New X-Men #149

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Phil Jiminez Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 19, 2003 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 14
7.3Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

PLANET X PART 4 Magneto rules supreme! The humans are all but exterminated in Manhattan! Can anyone stop the powered-up Master of Magnetism? Cyclops and his X-Men aim to try!

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Dec 1, 2003

    Jiminez outdoes himself this issue. His scenes of hapless humans falling from the sky are chilling, and his understanding of both Xorn and Charles is compelling. Chuckry's toned down his colors for this gloomy issue, another fitting touch. This is gonna make one lovely TPB when the arc is collected. While it's a shame ostensible Morrison-partner Quitely won't be around to wrap up the run like he began it, I can't think of better choices than Jiminez or Silvestri to take us out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Wilson Dec 2, 2003

    Youd be a fool not to buy this issue and see this story through to the end. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 5, 2003

    If any other writer had offered up this story than I suspect I'd be more charitable, as the material is a fairly solid, if overly familiar take on the Magneto makes another bid at global domination story. However, Grant Morrison is a writer that I look to engage my imagination, and as such watching him offer up a plot by numbers exercise is a bit disappointing. Now there are moments where the book looks like it might break away and head in an interesting direction, as there's a fun little scene in the early going where Beak attempts to engage Magneto in a debate about whether a carrot can feel pain, and the book ends on a strong note as the idea that Magneto is being tormented by his Xorn identity is an engaging idea. I also enjoyed the final conversation that Magneto has with Xavier, as if nothing else it captures Magneto's madness in an interesting manner. In the end though we're four issues into a five issue arc, and I find myself still waiting for Grant Morrison get off the ground. Read Full Review

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