Punisher #3

Writer: Becky Cloonan Artist: Steve Dillon Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 6, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 17
7.3Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

•  On the trail of horrific drug EMC, FRANK CASTLE lands on the doorstep of a crew of bloodthirsty Appalachian warriors.
•  But the leader of the group knows THE PUNISHER's brutal style, and is prepared to fight fire with fire...on an innocent bystander!
•  In the midst of the carnage, how will Frank weigh the crimes of CONDOR against the life of an innocent?
Parental Advisory

  • 9.3
    Black Nerd Problems - Jordan Calhoun Jul 10, 2016

    No talk, all business. The formula works for now, and Frank will likely continue taking out nameless goons until he reaches the top of that ladder and the cops catch up with our vigilante. The question is less about how that will happen, but now more what role will Frank's new tagalong play in the action. The Punisher has a kid with him, the daughter of a mercenary riding shotgun after he was sent to see God. Frank was once a father himself, a family man, so it's hard to imagine him dropping this kid off to fend for herself, yet it's equally hard to imagine him slowing his righteous campaign for justice to find her a proper home. Lon: The Professional, anyone? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Matthew Strackbein Jul 7, 2016

    For everything its not, and for everything it could be, this is shaping up to be a really well done Punisher story that should genuinely satisfy fans of the grim and gritty corner of the Marvel Universe. Ruthless andunapologetic as ever, this new series does the characters core essence pure justice. If issue #3 is any indication of whats to come, then The Punisher, no matter how twisted he is, might end up closer to anti-hero rather than savage killer for a change. As impressive as that would be, you have to admit, either outcome would suffice when it comes to Frank Castle. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Aaron Reese Jul 15, 2016

    Thus far, Cloonan and Dillon have done an admirable job with the story. I’m sometimes surprised that writers continue to find entertaining ways to have Punisher kill people. I read somewhere that his lifetime kill count in the comics is approaching 50,000. Somehow, it’s still rewarding to see him mow bad guys down, and even more rewarding to see him take a detour from slaughter to show a little girl compassion. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Punisher Central - Ivo Santos Jul 10, 2016

    I am very happy with this last issue, finally i get the feeling that things are getting in a good way. Good action and a simple and comprehensive story, well fit for the character.I'm getting used to Dillon's artwork every time a Punisher comic is released, i'm following his work since "Welcome Back Frank Back" and he's even better than his previous Punisher works in PunisherMAX and Thunderbolts. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Heroes Direct - Adam Fitch Jul 10, 2016

    Overall, this story isn't moving as quickly as we'd like. Yes, we're only on the third issue of the series but it seems a tad aimless. We know he's after “The Face” and wants to stop the organisation CONDOR, but it's going unexpectedly slow. We're craving a gritty and brutal storyline that doesn't hold back, and maybeThe Punisher will fulfill this once all of the issues have been released. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Multiversity Comics - Alice W. Castle Jul 11, 2016

    It's a decent enough Punisher comic, but this team is capable of so much more. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jul 11, 2016

    As a new Punisher reader, I expected a little more over-the-top action, but instead, Becky Cloonan continues her slow burn, character driven story.  That's not a bad thing, but after three issues, it's starting to feel like the story is moving way too slowly.  Steve Dillon's art is good, but it feels like he is being handcuffed a bit by the slow paced story.  I am going to continue with the book, but I can't say that I'm holding my breath waiting for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jul 9, 2016

    I've dropped Black Panther because it flew way over my head, but I think I might have to give up on Punisher because it's way too simple. Three issues in and Cloonan is still just telling a story about the Punisher killin' a bunch of dudes. Read Full Review

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