Royals #6

Writer: Al Ewing Artist: Kevin Libranda Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 16, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 11
9.2Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

•  The mysterious Progenitors have been revealed! But to seek them out, the Royals will need help.
•  Enter the Universal Inhumans, alien beings engineered by the Kree - the Inhumans' brothers and sisters in the stars!
•  And sometimes, brothers and sisters fight...
Rated T+

  • 9.2
    Comic Crusaders - Andy Hall Aug 18, 2017

    Ewing and Libranda have clearly done a great deal of research into the Inhumans' history and they are using all of their various past adventures to play into this one that risks the very future of their race. They are laying the groundwork for a very big pay off as the series goes along. So far, the series is paying off each issue, lets hope all these issues lead to something different and unexpected for the Royals. Read Full Review

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