Scarlet Spider #25
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Scarlet Spider #25

Writer: Christopher Yost Artist: David Baldeon Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 18, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 6
7.3Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

•  It's over. Kaine did his best to be a hero. He failed.
•  What about Houston?! Who lives? Who dies? Is there a place for the Scarlet Spider in this world? The answers will surprise you.
•  Two years and 25 issues have led to THIS! Guest starring: MEXICO!

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Dec 18, 2013

    All in all, SCARLET SPIDER leaves us the same way it came into this world: sharply written and full of eye-pleasing action. Except for Arcaley, the focus on Kaine's friends is mainly pushed aside to let Yost really dive into the clone's head and justify him finally accomplishing what he's apparently always wanted: a getaway to Mexico. It's terrible to see this book go (I sincerely hope Marvel releases an omnibus), but at least we know these two characters will remain in Yost's more than able hands as they switch to the upcoming team book NEW WARRIORS. You'll be missed, SCARLET SPIDER. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Dec 20, 2013

    Scarlet Spider #25 is a good finale. The art is back to its usual strength, and Yost gives us a pretty epic battle with which to say goodbye. There isn't too much soul searching or finality, but this comic is a pretty solid look into the life of the failed clone of Spider-Man. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Dec 23, 2013

    I'll miss this title which leaves me no monthly Spidey comics (at least none I care to read). And I'll miss Yost's rehabilitative take on a character who ends the series far more interesting than when it began. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    GoCollect - @TonyTheGamerDad Dec 19, 2013

    This series deserved a grand finale that wrapped up all the loose ends and set the main characters up for their future in the Marvel Universe, unfortunately that isn't what we have in this book. While we did indeed get a series finale that wrapped up loose ends, there isn't a sense of grandness and so this book ends with nothing more than a loud whimper. The typos and mistakes really hurt this book, as it makes it seem rushed and unimportant to the higher ups at Marvel. While this is a definite buy for fans of the series, there is no real reason for anyone else to pick this book up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Dec 19, 2013

    A book set outside of the norm, but so closely tied to the rest of the Marvel Universe, "Scarlet Spider" affords Yost a chance to stretch and to continue growing a character that he took from nowhere and made readers want to read more of. Unfortunately "more" won't be in a regular Scarlet Spider series, but the dark clone of Peter Parker will move over to "New Warriors" as Yost himself reveals in a quick note from. That note shows the vitality of being composed in the moment, perhaps as the writer was traveling between cons or shortly after sending this final script in. Whenever it was written, there is imply no mistaking that it is heartfelt and that Chris Yost is going to miss "Scarlet Spider" as much as some of the readers will. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Refueled - superiorchris Dec 18, 2013

    Yost has turned a monster into a hero and I am glad I came for the ride. The series has been a delight and the most underrated series the last 2 years. Unfortunately, Yost does not make a grand exit but has a quiet walk away that leaves you at peace. The art team was stellar and I hope to see them again soon. If you haven't read the series yet, pick up the trades because there is some amazing stories in this series. Pick this issue up and follow Yost& Kaine in New Warriors #1 this February! Read Full Review

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