@TonyTheGamerDad's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: GoCollect Reviews: 37
7.3Avg. Review Rating

Adventure Time: The Flip Side #1

Jan 9, 2014

I highly recommend this book for both fans of the show and anyone who wants to understand why this show is so popular. The art is great, the cover is cool, and the story will both entertain and resonate with readers of all ages. Be warned, after reading this comic you will be an Adventure Time fan so be prepared to spend your time watching the cartoon and getting up to speed!

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All-New X-Factor #1

Jan 9, 2014

The story in this book is top notch. Peter David writes these characters as if he truly understands them and it is no surprise as he has written successful runs on X-Factor in the past. The art, while not my favorite style, is not bad and may just appeal to your taste. The grouping of Gambit, Quicksilver, and Polaris is interesting and very appealing as they have a power set combination not often seen in group books. Fans of any of these characters or of Peter David should pick this book up ASAP. Anyone else who is vaguely interested in the idea of Corporate sponsored superheroes will not be disappointed if they grab this title.

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All-New X-Factor #3

Feb 13, 2014

If you can look past the lackluster art and silly cover page then you will find a fantastic comic waiting for you to read it. Not quite the typical super hero book, this one has a focus more on the people behind the personas without going full blown behind the mask reality TV type of book. I implore you to pick this one up if you have any interest in Gambit, Quicksilver, or X-Factor as this series could quickly become your favorite read.

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All-New X-Men #23

Feb 13, 2014

This is a great book as well as a fantastic story arc. I am genuinely interested in how this is going to end and what the long term repercussions will be. As I said, the art is eye catching, the writing is tight, the humor is surprising and very funny, and the whole set up was actually done in a logical way. Fans of the X-Men need to pick this book up, as well as anyone looking for a good read.

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All-Star Western #26

Jan 2, 2014

With a cover that doesn't grab your attention, this book doesn't offer much to get excited about. The thought of a western taking place in the modern age is interesting, but this book doesn't live up to that idea at all. It is less a western and more of a typical DCU comic book. Unless you are a big Jonah Hex fan I suggest skipping this book. Your money would be better spent on picking up one of the many Forever Evil tie ins.

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Avengers (2012) #26

Feb 13, 2014

If you read the last issue then I highly recommend this book. It is very well written, has good art, and features an intriguing group of alternate reality Avengers. If you did not pick up the last issue, well do that first. If you like that book then I suggest you pick this one up as well. If not for the poor recap page this could have been a 5 star book.

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Avengers World #1

Jan 9, 2014

Unless you are a huge Avengers mark, or just curious to see if I was off the mark on my assessment of the book then you may want to check this one out. For the rest of you, I would skip this title until it features a "team" that you really want to see. Personally, I can't wait for Hyperion to get a larger role and become the true Superman of the Marvel Universe.

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Cataclysm: Ultimates #3

Jan 17, 2014

Fans of the Marvel Ultimate Universe, this is the beginning of what just might be the end of the Ultimate line of comics. While I was never a huge fan of the Ultimate Universe, I did appreciate its unique take on classic Marvel characters, I will admit a huge group of Marvel fans will be let down if it goes away. This issue gives fans a small bit of hope that it won't end, but I doubt that after several overhauls this line of comics will be given yet another chance to continue. Unless you just don't like the Ultimates or the Ultimate Universe I suggest picking this one up for its Marvel comics historical significance if nothing else.

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Curse #1

Jan 17, 2014

This comic may not be the typical type of story you think of when you here the words comic book, but it should be. It has strong characters, a focused story, and makes you actually care about the hero of the book and genuinely worry if he will make it out of the book alive. This may not be from one of the bigger comic companies, but it delivers a lot more than some of their recent books. I highly recommend you pick this book up, just be sure to read it with the lights on...

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Flash (2011) #26

Jan 2, 2014

New readers will have a good issue to jump into the Flash with, while regular readers will have a good story to add to their collection. Their doesn't seem to be any ramifications that will arise from this issue, which isn't a necessarily a bad thing, so it can feel like filler at times. The art is good, with the cover standing out as something that belonged on a much more important issue of The Flash. If you like the Flash or just want to see what the world's fastest man is up to, then I suggest picking this one up.

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Forever Evil: Arkham War #3

Dec 12, 2013

This is a great story that delivers everything the cover promises and more. As I stated before, if you have not been keeping up with the DC Universe then I can't recommend this issue. However, if you have been reading DC comics then you don't want to miss this one.

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Forever Evil: Arkham War #4

Jan 9, 2014

If you want to see Batman's villains crack each other's skulls then this is the comic for you. Very thin on plot, heavy on action, exposition, and sleek art. This book is recommended for anyone looking to get into this series or those who just enjoy good action. People determined to have the entire series and loyal fans will no doubt buy this issue, but they will most likely be very disappointed with the lack of forward momentum this book has.

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Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #3

Dec 19, 2013

This comic, and series in general, is not great but it is not terrible either. If you are a fan of the Rogues and want a closer look at their motivations and inner thoughts then I highly recommend this book. If you love villain vs. villain fights like I do then you will find plenty to love in this issue. However, if you want a tight story that has a great plot and plenty of intrigue, suspense, and big moments...look somewhere else. As I pointed out, some would say this is a road trip movie in comic form and if that seems interesting to you then you will love this book.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #1

Dec 19, 2013

DC has decided to answer Marvel's Hawkeye series with Harley Quinn while simultaneously adding in a dash of Deadpool. This might be a dream combination for some, while others may be turned off by this idea. As I noted above, there seems to be a lack of continuity with the rest of the DCU and if that is going to bother you then you may want to avoid this book. On the other hand, if you are a fan of Harley Quinn and hate her portrayal in Suicide Squad then you may want to give this book a look. Despite much anticipation, this book fails to live up to my expectations. Not a bad book, but not a great one either.

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Inhumanity: The Awakening #1

Dec 12, 2013

Despite being part of the Inhumanity event taking place in Marvel comics, I don't see anything in this book being important to the overall event. I highly recommend you save your money and pick up something much better than this lackluster book.

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Krampus #1

Dec 12, 2013

Full of quips, one liners, and quite a few moments that will both make you snicker and want to know more, Krampus #1 delivers action with a holiday twist. The end of issue one leaves you a hook that will make you want to come back for more, so be prepared to pick up the entire series if you pick up issue #1.

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Legenderry: A Steampunk Adventure #1

Jan 2, 2014

This book is a love letter to both steampunk and the old Dynamite heroes. With a fantastic art style, an interesting premise, and an intriguing plot the only reason not to pick this book up is if you have no idea who any of these characters are, although you should do yourself a favor and find out then pick up this comic. Personally, I can't wait to see the introductions of the Six Million Dollar Man and Zorro and find out who the mysterious villain ends up being.

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Marvel Knights: Hulk #1

Dec 12, 2013

This limited series may or may not have future ramifications, but it will be summed up in the Hulk's ongoing series if it does so save your money and just catch up on any important details there.

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Marvel Knights: Hulk #2

Jan 17, 2014

Keatinge tells a great story, but he does so outside of the Marvel Universe and readily disregards any continuity that doesn't fit into his vision. While I do understand the concept of Marvel Knights, it is a shame when things are taken so far left that it might as well be a different character altogether. Unless you are a big Hulk fan or a Keatinge fan, there isn't much reason to pick this book up. Even the art, while great, can't do much to salvage this concept gone bad.

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Night of the Living Deadpool #1

Jan 17, 2014

If you love Deadpool or zombies or both then this book is for you! It remains to be seen if this is Marvel's main Earth or another universe which is more likely, but either way I expect Deadpool to run into a few familiar faces before the series ends. The unique aspect of the zombies in this book, and no I won't tell you what that is, is very intriguing and I hope they actually utilize it and not regulate it to a one off joke now and again. Night of the Living Deadpool may not be an original concept, it may not be innovative, but it is fun. I recommend it, just not too highly.

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Nightwing (2011) #26

Dec 12, 2013

Another solid issue of Nightwing, that delivers both witty banter and solid action. If you are a fan of Nightwing or want to become one then I recommend you picking this issue up.

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Punisher (2014) #1

Feb 7, 2014

I am not a huge fan of The Punisher, but I am interested in the character enough to take a peak at his series whenever they pop up. Many have been too brooding for my taste, but this comic mixes the right amount of "doing what no one else can, but I would rather not be doing" with Frank enjoying the simple things in life like a cup of coffee. Anyone who is like me and even a little interested in the character should pick this one up.

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Savage Wolverine #13

Jan 2, 2014

Parents should definitely head the parental warning on the cover as this is not for children. I can not stress that enough. With that said, this is a great Wolverine comic that fans of Wolverine or just comics in general will enjoy. I will advise you to be resigned to buying the back issues of this book because after you read this issue you will want to see how he got to where he is and why. If it weren't for the level of violence and blood, keeping it from being enjoyed by all fans, this would be the comic of the week.

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Scarlet Spider #25

Dec 19, 2013

This series deserved a grand finale that wrapped up all the loose ends and set the main characters up for their future in the Marvel Universe, unfortunately that isn't what we have in this book. While we did indeed get a series finale that wrapped up loose ends, there isn't a sense of grandness and so this book ends with nothing more than a loud whimper. The typos and mistakes really hurt this book, as it makes it seem rushed and unimportant to the higher ups at Marvel. While this is a definite buy for fans of the series, there is no real reason for anyone else to pick this book up.

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Superior Foes of Spider-Man #6

Dec 12, 2013

Buy this issue, in fact buy 2 copies as a nice boost in sales will let Marvel know it should be writing more books like this one.

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Superior Foes of Spider-Man #7

Jan 2, 2014

If you are interested to learn the origins of The Beetle or are just a fan of this series than you should pick this book up. However, if you are looking to jump into this book I would wait until the next issue. There isn't anything here that really stands out as must read, so I can't really recommend it to non readers of the series. Also, I can not say enough good things about how amazing the cover art looks, although I think it would have been better suited to last issues story and last issues cover to this one.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #24

Dec 18, 2013

Despite the few nit picks I had, this comic is very, very good. The art brings the characters to life, creating a creepy and cool version of Venom that I would love to see more of. The interaction between Peter and Aunt May just might bring about a new status quo for the Spidey-verse that hopefully remains intact after Peter returns as Spider-Man. Yes, Peter will return whether or not you prefer Otto in control. There is too much money invested in the Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie as well as the Spider-Man cartoons to keep Otto in control for much longer. That fact aside, this is a great book with a unique insight into a character who was nothing more than a crazy scientist a few years ago. I wouldn't just buy this issue, I would recommend pre-ordering the next one as well. Heck, if you can, put the title on your reserve list at your local comic shop to ensure you'll have a copy of every subsequent issue.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #27.NOW

Feb 12, 2014

Spider-Man mans rejoice as this book has everything that makes the character great. Sharp writing and great art compliment each other so well that you would swear Slott and Camuncoli are the same guy. As I stated above, only a slight burn out on Green Goblin keeps this title from being perfect. I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a good read.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #8

Dec 19, 2013

This is a solid book that gives us a nuanced characterization of Otto Octavius that creates a stronger Superior Spider-Man as a result. Seeing Otto and Namor interact and almost bond over a mutual arrogance and sense of entitlement was interesting even if I am not a fan of Namor as of late. Although I love the art, I realize it may not be everyone's cup of tea, though I would not let that keep you from picking this one up. Fans of the main Superior Spider-Man book especially need to pick this book up so they can get a better look under the mask of Superior Spider-Man and see Otto for who he really is, a hero.

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Talon #14

Jan 2, 2014

If this was the final issue of this series it would have let the series end on a high note, unfortunately it isn't and I fear this comic will be remembered for a lackluster finale instead of this great issue. If you haven't been picking this comic up, shame on you by the way, then you will be lost so I suggest skipping it. If you are a fan of Talon, you need this issue and you need to write DC and tell them why they need to save this series. Without a doubt, this is the best comic of the week.

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Thor: God of Thunder #17

Jan 17, 2014

This issue ends a fantastic arc in a huge way. Questions are answered in both a logical and satisfying manner that I am hesitant to go into more detail for fear of spoiling the revelations. The tease for future issue is very intriguing and I already have the next issue on pre-order at my local comic shop. As long as you are willing to overlook the inconsistent art and focus on the story, this will be a great read and one that you will want to re-read several times over in anticipation of the next issue. Buy this comic ASAP.

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Thor: God of Thunder #19.NOW

Feb 13, 2014

This is another great Thor comic that I highly recommend. The only gripes I have with the book, like I mentioned above, is the fact the art inside does not live up to the standard of the cover and the future story portion may or may not actually take place in the "main" Marvel universe. The use of Roxxon as the villains for the comic is interesting and I hope to se Thor face more corporate type adversaries.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #19

Dec 12, 2013

Despite art that I am not a fan of, this is a solid comic that gets into the mind of Samuel Sterns and answers a question, why doesn't Red Leader try to escape, that many may have wondered about the often bullied Red Leader.

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Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1

Feb 12, 2014

Although this is a great book, it is probably not the book you think of when you hear the title. I'm not sure if it was intentional, Marvel trying to get fans of the new Captain America film to pick this book up, or accidental but either way it still stings a bit when you are shown one thing and given another. The art is great in this book with many James Bonds-esque sequences drawn to perfection. Fans of spy thrillers or Nick Fury should pick this one up, anyone looking for a Bucky Barnes adventure should skip this comic.

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Wolverine (2013) #13

Jan 9, 2014

This is another solid issue of Wolverine that continues the Wolverine's Revenge arc. Those who have been following the book will go into this book shaking their heads yes, while those who haven't will be scratching theirs. As I said it has a fantastic cover, which may be reason alone to purchase this book if you collect comics for their art appeal and not their content. Pick this up if you love Wolverine, but skip it if you don't intend to go back and buy the previous issues.

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Wolverine (2014) #1

Feb 7, 2014

Wolverine #1 tries to shock you with many "oh no he didn't" moments but they all fall very flat. We have seen Wolverine use guns before, we have seen Wolverine cut loose and do terrible things for the greater good, and we have seen Wolverine turn his back on his friends to figure out a personal problem on his own several times. There is very little that is new or truly must read in this issue aside from Wolverine has no healing factor, but even that is not a true factor as no one believes he will die or become cripple during this series. Unless you are a die hard Wolverine fan I suggest you skip this one.

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X-Force (2014) #1

Feb 12, 2014

This book starts with a good concept, but instead of using it as a focus it becomes an excuse. There is no clear goal for the team and they do not have the same star power as the previous X-Force to keep you around until they get one. As much as I love Fantomax and Marrow, they are written as over exaggerated parodies of themselves leading to some odd and unintentionally funny bits of dialogue. I wish I could recommend this book, but sadly I would pass on it in favor of something better.

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