Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #3

Event\Storyline: Forever Evil Writer: Brian Buccellato Artist: Scott Hepburn Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 18, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 4
7.0Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

The Rogues continue their flight from the ruthless Crime Syndicate, who have put a bounty on their heads. But en route back to Central City, Mirror Master's powers malfunction, and they land in the middle of the events of ARKHAM WAR with pretty much every Bat-villain around going after the bounty!

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Daniel Gehen Dec 19, 2013

    Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #3 might not be the best title to hit stands this week, but its certainly the most fun. The Rogues trip to Gotham offers ridiculous fun with an underlying sense of heart. They may not be the best or the brightest, but their personalities make the Rogues the most loveable bunch of baddies in the DCU, and their ongoing Forever Evil plight continues to be a treat each month. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Shadowhawk's Shade - AJ Dec 22, 2013

    Overall, I'm concerned with where the mini-series is going story-wise, but on its own, it remains a fun little book. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Entertainment Fuse - Elvis Dutan Jan 20, 2014

    Its perhaps the best issues of the series so far and thats saying something as the mini has markedly gotten better as time has gone by. Not to mention that it has continued to use the absolutely perfect new designs for the Royal Flush Gang. Both the writing and the art are firing on full cylinders, and as Forever Evil heads into its final stretch thats what these tie-ins need to focused on. Im excited about Buccellatos future at DC Comics and hope that Hepburn lands somewhere great as well. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Dec 18, 2013

    The Rogues way seems to be the best way. If you were a fan of Superior Foes of Spider-Man, this book has definitely progressed in a similar fashion that brings about that same quality in writing. There is a bond with this team that you have to appreciate is taken some time to flesh out. Under these circumstances you'd expect them to fall apart. It would be predictable for them to and yet Buccellato completely avoids that cliche which could have easily made you lose interest with this story. This once again is a book you should definitely pick up if you want a book that takes of the opportunities Forever Evil has opened up in terms of storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    We The Nerdy - Bryan Huth Dec 19, 2013

    Rogues Rebellion #3 is a solid issue. Hepburn's art style stays consistent through this third issue and the new addition of Andre Coelho works well with Hepburn's art. The story mainly served its' purpose of continuing the story of the Rogues as they struggle to survive in the Crime Syndicate's new world and didn't really have much excitement or suspense, although it did have a nice set-up with Mr. Freeze and Clayface, as well as an entertaining cameo by The Ventriloquist. Overall, this issue will give you a small Forever Evil fix by offering a small amount of action and some interesting cameos and guest appearances. If you're a Batman, Flash, or Forever Evil fan then you'll definitely find something enjoyable in this issue. Otherwise, it's not very essential. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Dec 18, 2013

    Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #3 is very strong with characters and weak with its plot. It's not a bad mini-series at all, but has some problems that hold it back from becoming truly exceptional. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    GoCollect - @TonyTheGamerDad Dec 19, 2013

    This comic, and series in general, is not great but it is not terrible either. If you are a fan of the Rogues and want a closer look at their motivations and inner thoughts then I highly recommend this book. If you love villain vs. villain fights like I do then you will find plenty to love in this issue. However, if you want a tight story that has a great plot and plenty of intrigue, suspense, and big moments...look somewhere else. As I pointed out, some would say this is a road trip movie in comic form and if that seems interesting to you then you will love this book. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Dec 19, 2013

    Now, let me get one thing straight: This isn't a good comic. But it's not exactly a terrible one, either. The script is decent and there are enough villains to keep just about any DC fan happy. But the artwork is unacceptable. And the fact that this whole miniseries just seems like extended Villains Month issues and could have been a big one-shot with crisp art and a more condensed storyline is starting to become very apparent to me as a lifelong DC fan. I'll give anything a shot if it features Batman characters, but geeze. This is just cruel. Stop putting them in other books to boost the sales and start emphasizing the books own characters as a way to solidify their own awesomeness. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Dec 19, 2013

    Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion is the weakest of the Forever Evil tie-ins and this issue is no exception.  The Rogues combined with some of Batman's best villains is bound to be fun, but is it too much to ask for a good story to go with it?  Add in some of the worst art I've seen in a New 52 book and I can truly recommend everyone steering clear of this one. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Dec 20, 2013

    "Forever Evil: Rogue's Rebellion" #3 ultimately feels forgettable. It's not bad but it's not anything special, either. In the end, "Forever Evil: Rogue's Rebellion" feels like it's headed into the realm of generic comic event tie-in. Sadly, it'll have a lot of company. Read Full Review

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