Secret Warriors #10

Writer: Jonathan Hickman Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 25, 2009 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 7
6.8Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

GOD OF FEAR, GOD OF WAR PART 4 What was the deal Fury struck with Ares concerning his son? What does the future hold for the God of Fear? The answers are here, as well as the final showdown.

  • 7.6
    IGN - Kevin Fuller Nov 25, 2009

    While I may not agree with the decision have this story be part of the ongoing Secret Warriors title, that doesn't detract from my overall enjoyment of the issue. Hickman is able to get in his trademark dialogue while at the same time adding complexity to characters in dire need of it. I have no doubt that next issue will get things right back on track, which is good, since "on track" makes it one of my favorite Marvel team books every month. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Nov 24, 2009

    So, while this isn't a bad issue at all, it's just not what I've been enjoying or what I look forward to with this title. However, it might be just what some readers are needing to help them connect to the characters. Well, to connect to Alexander, anyway. The rest of the team are relegated to cameos, except for Fury, of course. Read Full Review

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