Silk escaped one danger but now faces an even deadlier challenge! Her nemesis Saya has gotten a power upgrade of fiendish proportions? ?and she's going to hit Silk where it hurts.
Rated T
Though the series hasn't always been consistent with its ability to tell its story seamlessly, including this issue, where the ending goes is still something to keep an eye on. Read Full Review
Silk #4 remains loyal to the character's thematic elements but lacks the enchantment required for genuine captivation. Read Full Review
The story drops into the real world and the last act of the Saya/Silk conflict launches in a brisk rush that balances character insight against plot development. It's illustrated very nicely, which elevates the reading experience.
The problem is, without the movie-dream gimmick, the conflict and the characters engaging in it are looking pretty basic. Saya's plans and motivations are dull and irrational, and Silk's opposition comes off as pro-forma teeth-clenched heroism (Aside: Count how many panels show Silk literally gritting her teeth in determination.)
The brothers fare a little better, tied by the shared experience of standing in their sisters' long shadows. Though I enjoyed the focus on Albert earlier, we're runn more
This issue was better than the last, but it also drives home the theme of this series: Forgotten brothers. And honestly I could be down for that, but I really just wanted to get more Silk stories. This is more like sad brother stories, and again, I want to state that there is really something to be had there. What is it like being the forgotten siblings of a superhero? That might be a story worth telling but in a Silk book? Ehhh.
All in all an ok story but not really what I wanted. Last issue will be to rescue Albert and my guess is Silk and Sayas brother come out as heroes? Maybe?
It just feels like it lack a soul, I cant quite put my finger on it.
Still fun, will tune in to see the ending in #5.
An exposition filled issue.
Unfortunately, not really that interesting.