• The Rebel Alliance is on the lookout for a new secret base!
• Rebellion leader Princess Leia goes with Han Solo to scope out a secret hideout only he knows...
• ...as well as the group of killers who want him dead!
Rated T
Overall, though, I really liked this annual, both the art and the writing, and would say it was a real treat for anyone who was in the mood for a good focus on Han and Leia away from the stresses of the current overall mainline comic plot. Read Full Review
The plot isn't terribly remarkable, but the survival drama element at least gives the issue a certain sense of immediacy. Mostly, though, the book stands out because of Jason Latour's handling of the Han/Leia dynamic and Han's efforts to justify his reasons for continuing to remain with the Alliance. Read Full Review
This is ostensibly a variation on the tale that's always being told about Han and Leia during this time period and because the confines of said period are starting to show themselves, it can't help but feel more like a bug than it is a feature. Still is isn't forgettable because of the visual approach that comes from Walsh's art which at least has the benefit of granting it distance from Aaron's run. It's just that it's an expected story, and it's hard to blame someone for expecting one that's a little different. Read Full Review
Final Thoughts: It's a good Star Wars story, but a middle-of-the-road comic book. Final Score: 3 out of 5 Wookies! Read Full Review
The third Star Wars annual just didn't work for me with what it wanted to do and felt like an unmemorable side trip that won't add anything in the long run, from interesting worlds and characters to new nuance for our lead characters. Which is unfortunate because I like seeing what writers and artists bring to the franchise. Conceptually it has plenty that I like but the execution just didn't click and made me feel a bit of regret in shelling out the $5 for it. Read Full Review
An average story with terrible visuals. Only for Star Wars completists. Any other current SW comics would be a better purchase than this $4.99 outing. Read Full Review