• Rogue archaeologist Doctor Aphra may be in over her head...
• ...but at least she's not alone!
• Er...let's hope they're friendly!
Rated T
A crew of mercenaries causes troubles and an Imperial gets closer to the truth in this sensational installment. All the characters are fantastic and the visuals are drool worthy. A good entry point issue for newcomers to Aphra's outings and an excellent issue for those who've been following since the beginning. Contains the most fearsome original villain in Marvel's Star Wars run. A can't miss issue! Read Full Review
I highly recommend picking up this issue, as it's the best one in a while from a writing standpoint, and it has the most Aphra moments the series has had, from terrible decisions to double-crossings to gay panic. The revelations of the issue foreshadow the chaotic story to come both in this series and in the wider Marvel Star Wars saga (check out War of the Bounty Hunters and the upcoming Crimson Reign!), and the art from Minkyu Jung, Victor Olazaba, and Rachelle Rosenberg continues to be incredible. Read Full Review
Doctor Aphra #15 is a fun read full of scummy yet lovable characters with solid artwork to boot. It engrosses you very quickly, and I highly recommend it. Pick it up. Read Full Review
It also leans into some fun things established elsewhere with Thanoth and Vader that will likely turn things back toward Vader himself at the end with Aphra and I'm kind of hoping that the series will find itself a solid conclusion eventually with Aphra and Vader facing off. And as positive as I am about this franchise I hope it's one that ends with her death at his hands because that's where it feels like it needs to go. Watching the journey toward that kind of likely encounter with all the ups and downs she has to face is definitely engaging. Read Full Review
Aphra and Sana are headed back to Domina Tagge with their task completed. Unfortunately their exit from Crimson Dawn certainly left an impression. How long until Qira and her agents catch up to them? Read Full Review
This is at its best when focused on Amphora's Imperial nemesis/potential love interest Lieutenant Tolvan, whose fortunes rapidly rise and fall over the course of the story. It's also a real treat to see Triple Zero back in action, particularly now that he's more enemy than ally to Aphra. Unfortunately, the cast of scoundrels writers Kieron Gillen and Si Spurrier cook up for this issue don't prove very memorable. Read Full Review