DOCTOR DOOM is the SORCERER SUPREME. He has special plans for Earth's mutants. He would like to discuss them with the beautiful STORM over fine cuisines and expensive wines. What could possibly go wrong? The epic saga continues-with this new installment featuring a battle that Latveria will never forget.
Megan: 10/10. Another incredible issue of Storm! It seems like each issue is even better than the last, which makes me wildly excited for the next installment of Storm. Read Full Review
OverallI really enjoyed this issue and loved all the metaphysical references to body, spirit, and beyond. Some of the traditions explored in this book are truly beautiful. I'm excited to see what changes Storm's return from death will bring. Read Full Review
Storm #4 is a turning point, both for Ororo Munroe's place in the world and for the trajectory of the series. It also marks one of the quickest deaths and rebirths in the comic book world not that I'm complaining, as the stage is set for some truly epic storytelling from this creative team. Read Full Review
A stunning comic book from beginning to end. Read Full Review
One of the first times we get to actually see one of Storm’s parents ina flashback that gives us a beautiful moment of human connection and how we give those who love us our best selves. Beautiful writing, Great dialogue, and hot damn can Weneck draw Storm so fine in that lingeri No notes.
This issue completely blew me away. The art, the writing, the colors, the pacing, the twists and turns. This changes everything! Monumental.
A really nice improvement over the last issue, in my opinion. Werneck's art continues to look gorgeous, but Ayodele stepped it up in the writing department a bit. The interactions with Ororo and Doom were well-done, and I also liked the more personal touches with her childhood and her parents. I'm hoping this is a sign of things to come for this series. If Ayodele could pace things a little better, this could really be a great run.
That escalated quickly. And a quick read it was indeed. While I am intrigued by Ayodele‘s ideas and the direction this book is going, I’m still not fond of the way he and artist Lucas Werneck are using the space of a standard comic book. The story seems secondary to far too many splash pages and large panels. Unlike many, I’m not a fan of Werneck‘s pin-up-y art, but I was starting to appreciate it more last issue. This time… not so much, despite a few beautiful shots of Ororo and Doom.