Loki's cunning ways have begun to unravel the newly established Asgardian order. Balder has been seated as the prince of Asgard and Loki's whispers have caused doubt among the Agardians, doubt in the mighty Thor's leadership!
When you couple this skillful examination with Coipel's beautiful pencils, what results is a near perfect comic book. As a vetted professional, Straczynski has had his hands in a number of notable franchises, spanning both decades and mediums. So it is notable that what he continues to do with Thor is amongst his very best work. If you've yet to jump on board, do yourself a Christmas solid and catch up. Read Full Review
Coipel is my favourite Thor artist. I think Ive said that about him every time Ive reviewed his work. He brings dignity to Thor and makes this series look much more classic and epic-like than other Marvel Comics series. I would say his contribution here will help this current incarnation of Thor be what Frank Millers run was for Daredevil. His work is simply majestic. By the way, I like how he draws the young Loki and how he draws his eyes. Read Full Review
(Olivier Coipel draws a mysterious, frightening and alluring Hela in CBR's preview!) Read Full Review
Overall, this issue is delivered quite competently, with interesting characterizations, and even some fun self-referential time travel humour in the dialogue. Read Full Review
This issue was a dark look at the thoughts and actions of one of Marvel's most notorious villains, and longtime readers of the series will probably enjoy the experience. To be fair though, it's not for everyone, and new readers may want to wait for the next collection to hit the stands before reading it. Read Full Review