Thor #3

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Olivier Coipel Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 12, 2007 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 13
7.0Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

Everything Old Is New Again
The Armored Avenger squares off against The God of Thunder! Tony Stark, the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., comes to Oklahoma to verify the rumors that his old friend and teammate is alive and in town... but Thor isn't rolling out the welcome mat for Iron Man! The God of Thunder would have words with the man who cloned him... and you know what that means!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Sep 17, 2007

    After a couple of issues of fairly dull and overly decompressed set-up, this issue proves to be a pleasant surprise. There's more action than we've seen so far, there's a cementing of the reborn Thor's position in the Marvel Universe, and Straczynski demonstrates a strong grasp of his hero's character as he shows himself to be above such mortal concerns as a superhero "Civil War". Its a move which is not only perfectly in-keeping with Thors personality, but which also gives the writer a way to sidestep current continuity concerns and continue telling the story he wants to tell, rather than becoming preoccupied with the Thunder God's status as a registered hero. Now that the book's groundwork is out of the way and the dangling plot strands of Civil War have been addressed, JMS can get on with telling the story that he wants to tell. Even if it still doesn't quite feel like we've got to the meat of his Thor yet, this new series is providing a fresh, accessible and entertaining take on Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ariel Carmona Jr. Sep 14, 2007

    I like the pacing of the book, we dont need to be slapped with life threatening cosmic events every issue like in the old Avengers comic. This approach also works well by focusing on the more human aspect of Thors supporting cast and his interactions with mere mortals, super-powered beings like Iron Man and otherwise. Also by allowing Strackzynski the time to tell a satisfying opening arc, Marvel correctly re-integrates the Thunder God into its pantheon of elite super powered beings. Welcome back Thor. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bryant Frattalone / Paul Brian McCoy Sep 11, 2007

    McCoy: This is by the numbers, cookie cutter storytelling with very pretty artwork propping it up. Theres nothing in this issue to make me the least bit curious about the series. Its boring and seems to think it is much more important than it actually is. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Sep 21, 2007

    Thor #3 was potentially a great read that was made dreadfully average due to JMS' continued bizarre obsession with butchering Iron Man's character. I love how JMS is handling Thor's character. I also dig Thor's mission of recreating Asgard to its former glory. I'm just glad that we got this obligatory Initiative bullshit tie-in issue over with. Maybe we can move past the mind numbingly boring Registration Act crap and get on with some kick-ass Asgardian action. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Sep 12, 2007

    Despite all my protests and complaints, I do believe most people will enjoy this issue and I, myself, enjoyed it, but it is not a book that should praised to the heavens simply because a character you may dislike gets a beat down nor should it be held in high regard simply for mentioning a natural disaster that was handled poorly by the US government. Enjoy it for the action packed slugfest between two heroes and try not to let the dreadful political commentary and forced confrontation hold you back. Read Full Review

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