Thunderbolts #120

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Mike Deodato Jr. Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 14, 2008 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 6
9.2Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

A team of psychics have infiltrated the Thunderbolts. Venom's on the loose, the Swordsman has reverted to the crimes of his father, Norman Osborn is insane...but what of the others? Can they evade the psychics long enough to save their teammates?

  • 10
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren May 14, 2008

    It was another deliciously insane issue of Thunderbolts and makes me sad that Ellis has made enough money off of us and is going to go do other stuff now. Might want to trade wait on this one if you haven't been picking the series up, but it is definitely another amazing issue of Thunderbolts. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy May 13, 2008

    What's that? The series isn't ending when Ellis and Deodato leave? Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Kyle Posluszny May 15, 2008

    Ellis and Deodato have completely knocked this series out of the park and I honestly feel sorry for the follow up team. I got back into comics with this current Thunderbolts team and with each issue it surprises me how every other series loses a little bit of its shine every time a new Thunderbolts story hits the stands. A spectacular effort all around. If you aren't on board with this series, you definitely have been missing something great. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 14, 2008

    I do support Mike Deodato, Jr. 100% at least. Deodato is quickly morphing into a comic god with this book. I'm half convinced Ellis is on a mission to completely destroy the team by the end of his run so that no other writer will want to touch it. Given how integral Deodato's pencils are to the success of the series, I'm not sure that possibility bothers me much. Ellis and Deodato have set the bar for Thunderbolts impossibly high. I pity the team that tries to pick up the pieces after Secret Invasion. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson May 24, 2008

    This issue was powerful, no doubt about it, and some of the things that happened were very interesting (I've been bitching about when Norman is going to put on the suit for literally months now) but it all pales in comparison to the wonder of Norman's ongoing monologue. Mike Deodato's art is powerful, and manages to convey brutality and insanity in equal amounts, and the story really cooks, with some powerful and frightening images along the way. In fact, those powerful moments are really the story's only downfall, with the "give 'em all cancer" and crucifixion moments feeling a bit too "Warren Ellis is being controversial" for my taste. Still, it fits into the overall picture quite nicely, and for the first time in some time, the story is up and running. There is still some issue with the clarity of location and backgrounds, but this book was a wonderful 4 out of 5 reading experience... Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Colbert May 20, 2008

    Its been a long time coming but the return of the Green Goblin pays heaps of dividends. Warren and company have masterfully stoked this fire into a blazing chaotic inferno. The comic has something for everyone. If you dont dig Warrens way with words (inconceivable to me) Deodato and Beredos visual work should bring you to the party. If, for some reason, you havent been reading this book get it for the glorious return of one of Marvels best villains. Then go back and discover what youve been missing these long months. But by all means necessary, get this book. Read Full Review

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