Ultimate Comics Avengers #2

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Carlos Pacheco Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 9, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 3
7.4Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

Enter The Red Skull! Reeling over his near-fatal encounter with the Skull, Captain America takes matters into his own hands in pursuit of his terrifying new adversary and his terrorist employers!

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Sep 10, 2009

    Just a fun return to the Ultimates from Millar and, slow pacing and comic book tropes aside, something I enjoyed for no real reason I can put into words other than it was fun to read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Sep 13, 2009

    It's gratifying to see the Ultimate line's relaunch going this well, and even the last page shocker -- one that no-one will have seen coming -- suggests that the Ultimate comics are ready to re-establish their identity. Between this and "Ultimate Comics Spider-Man," the line is firmly back in must-read territory -- let's hope it stays that way. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Sep 12, 2009

    Ultimate Comics Avengers #2 was an exciting issue. This title is is certain to be a hit with action fans. Seeing both Captain America and Red Skull kicking ass is entertaining. This title might not be a hit with readers who desire lots of substance and depth to their stories. While Millar has a couple of neat plotlines going on this title, this issue is not terribly deep. Ultimate Comics Avengers #2 is geared more toward pure escapism like a cool action movie. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 14, 2009

    The art is great, the story is interesting, but I just don't care about the characters involved. Is having one likeable character asking too much? Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    IGN - Bryan Joel Sep 10, 2009

    Ultimate Avengers #2 is a very good superhero book. It plays by the rules, establishes a strong villain, and draws the main players into the conflict in a smart, organic way. And while it might not have that spark of originality or overt flair, what it provides is more than enough to warrant a recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Sep 16, 2009

    I have to say, while some of the things in the issue do not make a lot of sense, like Gails hair going from long and seductive when her and Captain America are about to get it on to short and cropped (on a noticeably older Gail, despite only a month passing) when in front of a government man; the art of penciller Carlos Pacheco works very well in the series. I noticed especially this issue a certain fondness for Captain Americas dirty fighting style. He throws coffee on people, straight up kicks Hawkeye in the face with both legs, and leaves a plane to fly straight into the ocean. Theres flair and its amazing for the fifteen year old boy trapped inside this reviewer. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Sep 11, 2009

    I have a few hangups here and there with this issue, but it is still a very engaging and wellcrafted read that has me extremely excited to be exploring the Ultimate Universe and to see what Millar has up his sleeves for Nick Fury's new team. In fact, I was so impressed with this issue that there is really only one reason that it wasn't granted "Must Read" statusthe price. Quite frankly, there really is no reason for this book to be $3.99 and until there is, it's going to be held back on the Rankings. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Mania - Chad Derdowski Sep 14, 2009

    I love a good World War II story and conspiratorial government cover-up stuff, so this story is working pretty well for me so far. I’m hoping that future issues will shed a little more light on the Red Skull and I can’t wait to see the team that Fury assembles to bring Cap in. Long story short: big fun, loud explosions and sweet action. I had a good time with this one and I’ll be back for the next. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Marlowe Lewis Sep 11, 2009

    In closing let me be quite clear. This book is light years better than the previous Loeb and Madureira version but it's nowhere near the quality of the original groundbreaking effort that really did change the face of comics. This book used to have a genuine "denier cri" feeling about it and hopefully it will capture that magic in a bottle again. I give this comic three stars. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Tony Rakittke Sep 11, 2009

    This is a decent comic, but it's simply treading water when it should be making waves. The writing and art are solid but uninspired, and for $3.99 an issue, I don't know how long I can keep waiting for things to get interesting. I have yet to be convinced that this is a comic I need to collect. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace/Charles Webb Sep 8, 2009

    Giving the impression of going through the motions, the book has no time to do anything interesting or exciting therefore I have no time for it. Read Full Review

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