The Venom War is making strange bedfellows as hero and villain alike have to fight off the menace of hungry zombiotes, eager to bite and spread onto all - living and dead! She-Hulk, Hellcat, Shocker and more are among those striving to stay alive...and unbonded!
Rated T+
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This is exactly how tie-in mini series should be done. Taking place in the outskirts of the main event, this is a very small scale story that shows how people other than the main players are affected. The art and writing is fantastic and the "Night of the Living Dead" vibe works great here. It did a great job humanizing Shocker as well, telling the story from his perspective and giving us a glimpse into the mind of a c-list supervillain. I enjoyed this much more than the main Venom War event.
A fun "finale" here. Ryp's art worked great in each issue, which I'm now realizing I didn't mentioned elsewhere. Aside from that, this did a nice job go making me invested in Shocker. Furthermore, I'm super glad to see Boomerang back. I know there's always the complaint of so many comic book characters dying for a little bit and coming back to life, but I can't deny the good feeling I got when Boomerang was resurrected and reunited with Shocker.