Winter Guard #4
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Winter Guard #4

Writer: Ryan Cady Artist: Jan Bazaldua Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 1, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 7
7.0Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

CHECKMATE! The final issue! The Winter Guard has its hooks in the White Widow—but she’s not out of tricks yet. And the Red Guardian is ready to make his last move...but when is he gonna loop in his reluctant ally?! The answers come from a source no one expects, and secrets still abound as Project SNOWBLIND rushes to its bloody conclusion. 

  • 7.0
    But Why Tho? - William Tucker Dec 1, 2021

    Winter Guard #4 brings an excellent series to a close. The adventures and inner turmoil within one of the most underused and yet most intriguing teams Marvel has to offer have been a delight to read. Fun, ridiculous, and action-packed, it has also been an investing story of mistrust and mystery. The artist has detailed some awesome battles, featuring characters that readers will love. Hopefully, Aaron takes the important plot conclusions from this comic and uses them to enrich his Avengers series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Logan Moore Dec 1, 2021

    After a dialogue-heavy third issue, Winter Guard #4 brings the series to an end in a climactic manner that I had been hoping for. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Fracadactyl Dec 1, 2021

    I love spy thrillers, especially when superheroes are thrown into the mix. Everybody in this cast is looking to be a hero but is grappling on what that means. I mean the Winter Guard practically tears themselves apart over who could be working with or against them. It sure means a lot when a god feels humble actually wanting to serve and help others for morality's sake. Also the way characters bounce off one another speaks volumes over their wants and needs. It's why when the Winter Guard comes out at the end does it feel like they really developed. And how much of a threat the Red Widow is.

    Although I have to admit, not circling back to that explanation with the Black Widow from the beginning is kind of disappointing. It feels l more

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 7.5
    Psycamorean Feb 6, 2022

    This finale was pretty good, but like most of this series, this felt rushed. This really could've used a fifth issue, to give some story elements some time to breathe.

  • 6.5
    CrazyforRAMU Apr 14, 2022

    I really like the ideas here. The art was nice, too, with all-around good execution boosted by some clever layout tricks. Those ideas I liked, though, could have been explained better in the words. That goes especially for the core matter of Alexei's scheme, his motivations, and the antagonists' opposition to them. It comes out as a generic espionage mess where I'm sure the author hoped it to be politically incisive. And the reveal of the Winter Guard's "traitor" was so subtle that, again, I feel the writing failed to live up to the idea. The action scenes do wrap the story up nicely, though.

  • 8.5
    Radar Dec 4, 2021

  • 7.5
    Adsun22 Dec 3, 2021

  • 7.0
    Merlyn Dec 1, 2021

  • 3.0
    JMaks May 2, 2022

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