X-Force #28
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X-Force #28

Writer: Craig Kyle Artist: Mike Choi Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 7, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 6
7.1Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

CHAPTER THIRTEEN The final battle begins here! It's X-Force's last stand in the future and the X-Men's last stand in the present. Bastion has been one step ahead of the X-Men the whole time, but one X-Man's sacrifice could turn the tide!

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Joe Lopez Jul 9, 2010

    Not only is this the second-to-last chapter of the event, but it's also the last issue of the current iteration of X-Force. Kyle, Yost, Choi and Clayton Crain have, for my money, delivered the best, most dependable X-title hitting the stands for the last 2+ years, and this issue isn't any different. While Chapter 13 didn't serve as a perfect swan song to the series, the Second Coming plot on a whole did a reasonably fair job of it. After all, X-Force spun out of Messiah Complex, which this is a sequel to, and the Bastion/Hope/X-Force as Cyclops' dirty little secret story-lines are really X-Force plot points that have been present since the beginning of the series. Kyle and Yost haven't always hit it out of the park (Necrosha, the aimless Wolfsbane nonsense), but they've definitely scored enough homeruns (Archangel's return, X-23′s character arc, the addition of Vanisher & Domino, Not Forgotten', pretty much the first 13 issues) that the series' failings don't stick wit Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Jul 19, 2010

    Overall, its a solid climax to whats turned out to be a good story. Second Coming may be remembered as one of the best X-Men stories of all time. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Jul 12, 2010

    In fairness, "X-Force" does provide the big story beats that the audience needed to see, and it does so with obvious confidence. The problem is that it does so at the expense of the smaller details. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Miguel Perez Jul 8, 2010

    X-Force #28 delivers the scene that many fans, including myself, predicted from the very beginning. Following the tragic death of another friend, Hope's mutant powers finally manifest, though the exact nature of her abilities is still up in the air. Hope's rage and animosity towards Cyclops still feels forced, and I have a sinking feeling that this unstable foundation will be used as the catalyst for the next big X-Men conflict. The artwork succeeds in capturing the desired mood, though I'm more inclined to believe it is a result of the coloring as opposed to Mike Choi's stiff character models. I have no delusions about the upcoming finale changing my stance about the entire crossover, but here's to hoping it at least delivers a more definitive conclusion than Messiah Complex. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jul 10, 2010

    This issue isn't terrible. Its executed fine but there just isn't much of a story to tell here. Cable brings back X-Force, Cable's wounded, Hope fights Bastion and uses her powers. It almost doesn't feel like it could fill six pages but it's been stretched out way too thin. Besides that, we really don't get any sort of explanation on any of this to fill in the blanks. I struggle thinking that this is the big finish to such a long story. It's shaping up that if you skipped the single issues for the trade to come out you won because you really aren't missing much with this story. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    cxPulp - Todd Dyck Jul 10, 2010

    Like almost every issue of Second Coming, X-Force #29 has a number of flaws. However it fits very well into the overall cross-over and provides an exciting and satisfying climax to the tale. A must-read for X-Men fans and a good story for anyone who has been enjoying the story so far. So it seems to rise above the drawbacks and be a truly engaging read. Read Full Review

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