X-Men: Second Coming #1
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X-Men: Second Coming #1

Writer: Craig Kyle Artist: David Finch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 31, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 5
8.1Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

MANY WILL BE WOUNDED. SEVERAL WILL DIE. The climax of four years of X-Men stories is the X-Event of 2010! What started in HOUSE OF M with the Decimation of mutantkind and erupted with the first new mutant birth in MESSIAH COMPLEX finishes here. In the epic crossover SECOND COMING, Cyclops’ faith pays off when Cable returns to the present with Hope, the girl he believes to be the mutant messiah. But will she be the savior or destroyer of mutantkind? We may never know, as she is the target of an initiative for mutant eradication unlike anything they X-Men have ever experienced. Many will be wounded. Several will die. Is Hope worth it? Rated more

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Nov 23, 2010

    As a trilogy (plus prologue), this is one of the greatest stories I've ever read. That might be a bold statement but it's true. I could read these four stories over and over again and each time I do I leave with more. I didn't start reading comics until I was 23 when my contemporary literature professor in college challenged me to, and this is why she was right. There is so much to work with. It doesn't matter if it's a film, novel, poem, or comic book, a story as good as the Messiah Trilogy is a great story no matter what medium it's told in. Where this story is different is that it's not just one person with a pen"it's a lot of very talented people coming together to tell one amazing story. Over the four stories, we get nine writers and 20 artists"not to mention colorists and letterers. Like a film, it takes many people doing many things to make something great, and we get that here. It might not be 100% perfect, but it's damn close. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Apr 1, 2010

    Opening chapters of any crossover are always the most important part of the story and are very difficult to pull off. You have to have the perfect mix of action and intrigue with great character work that gets you instantly invested in the fate of the cast while still giving just enough away to snag a commitment from the reader who might not be ready to purchase more comics than they normally would. XMen Second Coming has all that in spades. This is a great way to kick off the new storyline and it instantly raises the bar for an entire franchise that has struggled to keep reader interest since the last big storyline. This was the easy choice for Book of the Week and a great place for lapsed XFans like me to jump back on board. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Comic Addiction - Antony Ellis Apr 3, 2010

    Forget Seige! You don't need to Cerebra to see that X-Men: Second Coming is the event to read in 2010 and an epic tale five years in the making. The One-Shot does the job perfectly. There are enough reveals to keep you flicking the pages, and enough anticipation to get you coming back for more including the Hope and Cyclops reunion that Scott has been dreaming of for a year, now. We’ll be covering this event in its entirety via written reviews and on our dedicated mutant-centric podcast X-Addiction, so keep your Cerebra pointed right here at TheComicAddiction.com for your Second Coming insight! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Apr 5, 2010

    While I am not going to be picking up the whole Second Coming event, thanks to it being a 14-part story, this one-shot to kick off the event did its job in getting me excited to read the story in the eventual trade. Craig Kyle and Chris Yost delivered everything that you expect from the opening chapter of an event and more. Though I cant recommend picking up the whole event because of the huge monetary commitment I will say if youre interested in the X-Men I recommend picking this issue up to see if it gets you interested in picking up the story when it comes out in trade. I know this got me looking forward to picking up the eventual hardcover for the event. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    IGN - Bryan Joel & Tyler Parker Mar 31, 2010

    On the strength of its first chapter, I'm cautiously optimistic about "Second Coming." This issue has the right mix of characters, plot moments, characterization, and pacing to make for an engaging opening gambit. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Apr 3, 2010

    I have no idea if this crossover will be as good as Messiah Complex. I suspect not, but if you are thinking about getting into the X-Men then this is your issue to read. It profiles all of the key players, sets up the storyline and looks pretty doing it. You literally need no background to enjoy this story and Marvel even gives you a checklist in the back to be sure you know how to follow the crossover from here on in. You would be hard pressed to find a more accessible, interesting opening comic book to a major crossover. This was an impressive start indeed. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Travis Walecka Apr 6, 2010

    Placing all trifling issues aside, the X-Men: Second Coming one-shot is an ambitious beginning. Here's to hoping the cash cow known simply as Marvel gives us an X-event worth investing in. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Mar 31, 2010

    "X-Men: Second Coming" #1 is a good comic taken alone, but, as the beginning of an event crossover, it lacks a necessary flair and feeling of something big happening. Yost and Kyle clearly know these characters and write them well, but the plot is lacking. Hopefully, it's a case of saving the best for later and not indicative of how the story will play out over the next few months. Read Full Review

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