Invader Zim #6

Writer: K.C. Green Artist: K.C. Green Publisher: Oni Press Release Date: January 6, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 3
8.2Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Special one-shot issue written and drawn by KC Green (Gunshow, Graveyard Quest)! Three short tales answer the most-asked questions about everyone's favorite Irken Invader. Like, where can someone like ZIM get a bank loan? What's the most sought-after, limited-time-only treat in the galaxy? And how long can ZIM spend looking for a lost shoe before the universe implodes?

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Booster G Jan 6, 2016

    Ok back to Zim, I give this a 5/5 because it does what a comic should. It has a start, middle and end and through it makes you laugh and remember what this show was all about. Craziness!! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Mark Pellegrini Jan 6, 2016

    So yeah, for all of you curious, Oni Press's Invader Zim is still good. Still really good, in fact. If you're a Zim fan and you aren't reading it yet, I just don't get you. I just don't GET you. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Chris Bennett Jan 6, 2016

    The issue ticks all the boxes you'd want from a Zim book. Seriously, it could be an episode of the show so easily " with one notable exception. It's clear from the first page that Green has brought his own original style to the book which seems to be one part Ren and Stimpy, two parts European newspaper strips. Everything is much more over-animated than previous issues, with big, bold "anime" style eyes and a slightly flat colour, giving the book a noticeably different tone to previous issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 6, 2016

    If nothing else, this issue proves that an Invader Zim comic can work under more than just one group of creators. This issue isn't necessarily superior to those that preceded it, but it at least offers a different take and a different visual interpretation on the Zim-verse. A little variety is never a bad thing. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Jan 13, 2016

    It's an interesting treat to see another cartoonist put their own spin on Zim, even if there are some occasional growing pains. Like last month's issue and most of the episodes that spawned Zim, this is a completely inessential read. A weak ending and some repetitive jokes hold this one back, but this still feels like Zim and it's a part of Zim that we haven't gotten much of. If you enjoy the absurdist world that Zim inhabits this is a great look at it, but otherwise it's merely an interesting experiment. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Kreniigh Jan 20, 2016

    The last four pages were a weak ending, but the escalation of the main gag had me giggling uncontrollably.

  • 7.0 Jan 12, 2016

    this book is always fun, and this issue is no exception. The main exception in this issue is what drives it (in my mind, anyway) the farthest from being an “all-ages” book in the first six issues so far. And that is with its gross-out humor that is so prevalent in the TV series- because, while this was a cartoon, and it was marketed towards children, it was more of the teenagers like myself who were the true target demographic of that series, and that seems to be the benchmark for this book as well. It was a bit more “gross” than I thought it would be, but it didn’t push me away from the book, it just reminded me more of what I was used to seeing from the Invader Zim series, and other shows from that era before-the-internet, when more

  • 8.0
    Ronin Aug 28, 2018

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