Old Rick Donald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on that farm he had a VIOLENT PROLETARIAT UPRISING! When Rick refuses to pay his alien workers a fair wage, he finds himself on the business end of a pitchfork. Meanwhile, Morty's relationship with a beleaguered young milkmaid gets hot and heavy.
Overall, Rick and Morty #4 is everything youre probably expectingin a good way. The short story at the end that is centered around Jerry adds the cherry on top as well. Id definitely suggest you buy this if you are a fan of the two loveable idiots because it embodies everything that is great about the Adult Swim show. Rick and Morty is here to stay, so I suggest that you become acquainted with it. Read Full Review
I still would like to see this comic push the boundaries and offer a fresh visual interpretation of these characters and locales; but, if this creative team continues to crank out one-shot stories that are this entertaining, it's worth buying, especially if you enjoy the show. Read Full Review
A very funny premise to this issue with plenty of laughs. Read Full Review
This is disjointed if still very enjoyable issue for fans of the Adult Swim series. Read Full Review
Takes a bit of a dip after a really good last issue. It feels like this story isn't really connecting that well anymore. There are some moments that are memorable though. Hopefully this next issue can return from good to great.
Really off track from the previous issue, until it finally ties loosely back at the end. It`s a fun ride in the meantime though. I did not get the backup story, that was dull and pointless.