4001 A.D.: Shadowman #1

Event\Storyline: 4001 A.D. Writer: Jody Houser, Rafer Roberts Artist: Robert Gill Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: July 6, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 4
7.8Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

A blood sacrifice is made, a war looms, and the Deadside... rises! In the synapse-shattering world of the future, witness the dawn of the dead's greatest hero and the fate of a young girl who may be humanity's only hope! As Rai leads a revolutionary insurrection against the forces of New Japan, the legendary hero called Shadowman returns to fight another day in the year 4001 A.D.! Valiant rising stars Jody Houser (FAITH), Rafer Roberts (A&A: THE ADVENTURES OF ARCHER & ARMSTRONG) and Robert Gill (BOOK OF DEATH) reveal the dark side behind the 41st century's coming conflict...and bring you the future of the Deadside today!

  • 9.4
    Word Of The Nerd - Tyler Counsellor Jul 7, 2016

    In short, 4001 A.D.: Shadowman #1 was wonderful, a nice teaser to whet your appetite for more adventures in the world of Valiant 4001 A.D. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Jason Laframboise Jul 6, 2016

    This book would be an enjoyable book that I would love even if it didn't tie into 4001 AD or the Valiant universe it's self. I've loved everything that has come out for this summer event, and this book kept the ball rolling. I wish this was an ongoing, but I will take this issue over the previous Shadowman series. Read this one! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Pastrami Nation - Nolan Smith Jul 10, 2016

    The book ends in a way that makes me think we may be revisiting the Deadside of 4001 A.D. very soon. These one shots that delve in the mythos of familiar Valiant heroes have all been outstanding, and Shadowman follows suite with a high quality, intriguing story. 4001 A.D. has not disappointed me yet, and with Shadowman, Valiant has another must read one shot for fans of the black and white-clad hero. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comicsverse - Kenny Coburn Jul 8, 2016

    Valiant has been putting out great comic after great comic in 2016 and SHADOWMAN #1 is no different. There are problems with the pacing, and some of the proportions on the art are a bit off at times, but that does little to distract from how much world building and story are packed into this singular issue. If you are looking for a comic that feels worth every dollar spent, SHADOWMAN #1 is the perfect comic for you. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Project-Nerd - Erica Jul 18, 2016

    While I enjoyed Shadowman #1's concept, I will say the comic rushedthrough the storyline much too quickly. It seemed like someof the characters rapidly evolved their dispositions inorganically as a result. This made many of their actions feel insincere or out of place. I also felt this issue never had a true climax. The danger was never quite there, and the story wrapped up too easily and conveniently to create any true suspense. However, the end of the comic attempts to make up for that lack of suspense, and it definitely has me curious about the future of Shadowman. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Graphic Policy - Alex K Cossa Jul 4, 2016

    Houser and Roberts have come together to co-write a comic that introduces some pretty interesting new characters to theValiantUniverse, and I hope that we see more of them going forward; and depending on the reception to this comic, I think that could be likely in the coming months and years. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Dylan Hicks Jul 19, 2016

    Oh, and if you are buying a hard copy, be sure to get that Meghan Hetrick variant! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    CourtOfNerds - Grant Stoye Jul 6, 2016

    This was a great addition to what appears to be another successful Valiant crossover event - it added a legacy element to a long-time Valiant character, and gave pathos to a storyline that could've easily been too preachy. This is definitely worth a pick up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Jul 6, 2016

    While 4001 A.D.: Shadowman #1 isn't a tie in that truly connects to the event, it presents us a wider view of that universe and, much like the 4001: A.D. : Bloodshot one shot, it sets up a major character to be used for a later time. It definitely feels like we haven't seen the last of this Shadowwoman or Kaia. Houser and Roberts give us a wondefully multi-layered one shot that challenges the definition of a monster and the concepts of good and evil as well as racism in a well written piece. The art is superb by Gill and Spicer makes it look better. My real problem is that this one shot has a small thread to the event that barely connects while also feeling like something is missing. And Jargon's change of heart is pretty much only seen, not really developed like Kym or Kaia's … and just happens. All that aside, this was a pretty strong one shot that worth a read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Amy Okamoto Jul 6, 2016

    4001 A.D.: Shadowman #1 is a satisfying read with a surprise for fans at the end, giving the story potential for both a strong prequel and sequel. It is a good companion to the event series and challenges readers to question the definition of monster. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Jul 7, 2016

    Some good ideas and nice art dont hide a very cluttered issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Bounding Into Comics - Elliott Cole Jul 3, 2016

    4001 A.D.: Shadowman #1 is a somewhat enjoyable book that never really hit its sweet spot. Not quite meaty enough on its own and not quite important enough to the larger picture, this is a well drawn issue that will mainly appeal to die hard fans and completionists. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Steven Phillips Jul 6, 2016

    Those looking for a concrete connection to the 4001 A.D. event aren't given much to work with here. The whole 4001 Valiant universe feels very much like an editorially mandated mix of loose affiliations. The writing team does an acceptable job shoving the Rai/Father war into the context of a largely unrelated conflict. Shadowman is a satisfying short story that doesn't require its connection to 4001 A.D. to hold together. I'm ambivalent as to whether or not that needless bond holds this story back or if it injects an exciting instigating event in the third act. Since you can enjoy this one-shot with zero knowledge of the summer event, I'll hesitantly recommend 4001 A.D.: Shadowman on its own merits, though only if you're very curious about the dark margins of the future Valiant universe. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geek-O-Rama - Rick Jul 13, 2016

    The writing " especially in the dialogue " is subpar. The protagonist is breathlessly earnest. The first two pages are stacked with expositional narrative blocks, which is comic book poison, as far as I'm concerned. A word to all you comic book creators out there: if your character's interior monologue isn't all that interesting, do yourself a favor and skip it. Read Full Review

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