Savage #4

Writer: B. Clay Moore Artist: Clayton Henry Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: February 15, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 3
9.2Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

Out of the jungle, into the fight...

When all hope seems lost, the final threads tethering the Sauvage family to their humanity will finally be severed. Just as the beasts within begin to take hold, the final revelation about the prehistoric island that has claimed them will finally stand revealed. But will this twist of fate offer a last chance at rescue...or forever seal their doom?

The past and present collide as Valiant's next great hero rises in a baptism of bloodshed! Be there as acclaimed writer B. Clay Moore (Hawaiian Dick) and explosive artists Clayton Henry (HARBINGER WARS) and Lewis LaRosa (BLOODSHOT REBORN) bring more

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - Jason Laframboise Feb 18, 2017

    Overall what could have ended up as a silly Turok knockoff turned out to be a fantastic series that ended up using a completely different genre then I was expecting, and it exceeded my expectations greatly. This one is action heavy so pick up the trade paper back, it's a highly recommended quick read. Before I started writing this review I re-read the first 3 issues, and I finished them in about 10 minutes, so this won't take a huge time commitment, but would be totally worth if it was. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Jesse Izdepski Feb 13, 2017

    Savage is an outstanding mini-series that captures the most primal instincts and savagery of humanity in conflict with nature, mankind, and itself. It is a story of survival and overcoming fear; and in many ways becoming that which is feared. The hunterbecomes the hunted. New readersdo not need to have previouslyread any Valiant titles or series to enjoy Savage, which makes it a fantastic starting point to enter the Valiant Universe. Read Full Review

  • 10
    PopCultHQ - Jason Bennett Feb 15, 2017

    In 2016, Valiant touted “The Future of Valiant” as the next wave of characters to enter their vast Valiant Universe. Seeing them announce titles like FAITH, GENERATION ZERO, and HARBINGER RENEGADE, I could totally see how they'd be absorbed into other titles. But I wondered just how will Savage enter the Valiant Universe? SAVAGE #4 will give you a taste, leave you wanting more, and show that we are far from done seeing this new character. Savage, welcome to the Valiant Universe. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Outright Geekery - Erik Goodrich Feb 22, 2017

    Savage #4 is the perfect ending to a great miniseries. Since the relaunch of the Valiant Universe, I have been looking for something to fill the void left when they did not retain the rights to use Turok, as he was the one Valiant title I had been able to somewhat follow back in the original VU. Savage did so perfectly with The Boy. B. Clay Moore,along with the talents ofClayton HenryandLewis Larosacreated something awesome, and I for one cannot wait for what the future holds for the fruits of their labor! Read Full Review

  • 10
    GAMbIT Magazine - Alan D.D. Feb 16, 2017

    Valiant brings to a close the main arc to one of their most interesting new books Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Pastrami Nation - Nolan Smith Feb 20, 2017

    Savage introduced us to a brand new hero in the Valiant Universe, one that is unlike any other. I cant wait to see if Sauvage becomes tied to the rest of the Valiant Universe, and if so, in what manner. Savage was an outstanding series, filled with shock, awe, dinosaurs, and more, and it should not be missed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Feb 13, 2017

    Aside from this being mostly action, it's a fine conclusion to a series you won't want to end. There's hope yet, though–Savage will return based on a teaser to end this book. When it does, I'll be first in line to read it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Feb 16, 2017

    Savage #4 is a vicious, satisfying rollercoaster that ends well and leaves readers wanting more. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 21, 2017

    The art is terrific - with two different artists showcasing different styles - and the story is fast-paced and, though a bit grisly, mighty entertaining. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    SciFiPulse - Oral Frier Feb 18, 2017

    Savageis a bizarre series. It is a series that doesn't explain how, nor does it ever attempt to explain the why. We don't know why all of this is possible. I mean an interdimensional portal was literally framed by wood. What is that about? The kicker is that I still love this story. Savage is doing things that other books would not or could not attempt, and it does it well. I look forward to the next series. It may begin to answer the questions we all have…but probably won't which will still be fine. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - Dan Crotty Feb 19, 2017

    Joins other mini-series, like "Britannia" and Divinity", that expand the boundaries of the Valiant Universe. Lovingly drawn and colored; a strong yet simple story that let's the art do most of the talking. Turok who? Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Alex K Cossa Feb 15, 2017

    That isn't to say that it was so good I couldn't believe it was over, but rather I'd read it far faster than I expected – more than likely because of the lack of any significant dialogue or narration boxes apparent asB. Clay Mooreallowed the art to tell much of the story. Indeed, it felt a little strange to see the older version of Savage to say so much during the issue, having been largely a silent character up until this point. At the end of the day, I didn't find this issue had as satisfying a conclusion as I had hoped for, and rather than close out the firstSavageminiseries with the strength of a T-Rex's jaw,Savage #4left me feeling as though I had just read an extended – albeit very good – prologue for what was to come next… Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 15, 2017

    The opening salvo for the Savage character delivered exactly what I wanted. It's a self-contained origin that has a lot more to be explored but wasn't focused solely on the lead character. That it spent as much time as it did on his parents early on was great as it set the stage well and makes for a strong reconnect to the real world at the end. Moore did a solid job in bringing the story to life through the scripts but it was Henry and Larosa that took it to a whole other level, especially with the strong dinosaur elements that had such a sense of wonder and enjoyment about them that it was positively infectious. I'm curious to see where it goes next, even if I was hoping for more island adventures first before dropping him into the real world. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Andy Hall Feb 15, 2017

    This series had real ups and downs for me, but I think that the second half of the series really improved on the set up in the first two books. If you skipped this series for some reason, it really pays off to see if you comic book dealer still has the back issues on the shelves. If not, then there is always the inevitable Valiant collection of the series. Read Full Review

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