After years of estrangement, Tab and her foul-mouthed mom Selena must work together to track the multiverse's most wanted criminal! But in a city made of fungus, their hunt hits an immediate snag: our mother-daughter duo aren't the only bounty hunters on the job...
Wacky, fun art and a slowly unfolding, yet very dramatic narrative make Motherlands #2 a fun read. Read Full Review
Motherlands issue two is a look inside the life of a family with a rough past. There are funny moments, but only funny initially, as the reality of the situation sets in you will only feel more and more for Tabitha. Read Full Review
A second issue that's just as strong as the first, thanks to the incredible depth of humanity and humor in its leads. Read Full Review
The conflict between neglectful mother and resentful child is forefront in this adventure through the multiverse. Read Full Review
The art style is a little retro and throwback, but it works. I can tell just by the look of it that Tab's armor is older and out of date"and now has a giant hole in the front of it. I love the way tracking is shown in the series, such as how Sylph's eye works. That was pretty interesting, and I wouldn't mind seeing more of that. Read Full Review
This book is still a solid and often darkly hilarious read but the varying parts don't quite match up. Read Full Review
Final Verdict: 6.8 – The script of "Motherlands" #2 fully embraces its foulmouthed, wisecracking, high concept sci-fi aesthetic, but the artwork feels uninspired and decidedly less imaginative. For now, the words can carry the load. Hopefully the artwork will soon follow suit. Read Full Review
After a disappointing first issue, I still had high hopes for the series moving forward. But after giving it another shot, I'm still not buying into the story, the characters, or the art. I still think there is a lot of potential for a great series here but up to this point it has been a let down. While I'm not quite ready to write the book off entirely, it needs to improve in a lot of areas for me to consider it a win for Vertigo. Read Full Review