The Sandman Overture #4

Writer: Neil Gaiman Artist: J.H. Williams III Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: December 17, 2014 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 14
8.4Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

In an asylum in the City of the Stars, Morpheus comes face to face with the creature at the center of the war that will destroy the universe. Time is running out...

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Dec 19, 2014

    Highly recommended! Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Dec 20, 2014

    You can spend ages reading this issue, excavating the layers in both the script and the art. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Dec 17, 2014

    The long wait is worthwhile for Williams' art alone. Williams has taken his talent for crafting intricate collages and combining a myriad of artistic styles and dialed it up to 11 for Overture. Never has his storytelling approach been more appropriate. He captures the sensation of being inside a dream. Figures are constantly evolving and changing. The eye is drawn all over the page. But far from being messy and disjointed, Williams' work is haunting and evocative. Dave Stewart's colors only further enrich the story. This art team was born to illustrate a Sandman comic. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Rhymes With Geek - Matt Garza Dec 18, 2014

    Neil Gaiman and J. H. Williams III once again bring us back into the magical world of Dream of the Endless. This comic is beautifully crafted with a solid story arc and breathtaking art. It really deserves multiple readings. Truly a great comic. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Dec 17, 2014

    And if not, rest assured, there are worlds of stories buried in these pages I am certain we are missing on first, second, and even third reads. Thats the magic of the world Morpheus inhabits, and the magic of sequential storytelling for the ages. The deeper you look, the more there is to discover. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Dec 25, 2014

    Sandman is a quite an experience to read. This issue shows a side of Dream we all probably knew existed but were waiting for the revelation. I won't spoil the end but things do not end happily in this issue. I recommend checking this out. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Multiversity Comics - Cassandra Clarke Dec 18, 2014

    J.H. Williams III continues to pump life into Dream's world through his ability to adapt each page to the scene so that the reader can read a part of the story in the style of the world they are in, and in the style of the moment. Talking with the star people was as cosmic and fluorescent as one can imagine that particular conversation to be, while still acutely balanced with enough shadows and one-shot-like panels of Dream and Hope to root us in the characters we know even when the panels around us insist us to feel uncomfortable, unfamiliar, and misplaced (as humans reading a story set in the skies beyond our understanding probably should feel). Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Dec 19, 2014

    Despite this, Gaiman's prose and storytelling skill still have a familiar magic to them. At the end of "Sandman Overture," a character is imprisoned within "the event horizon of a dark star." This fanciful plot twist highlights the poetry of the science of astronomy. Williams' art isn't the easiest to follow, but it's undeniably exciting as he tries to balance abstraction and action as he works from a very challenging script. Also, it's commendable that Gaiman isn't playing it safe. Instead of leaving the underpinnings undisturbed as he did for "Endless Nights", he risks probing at and upending the reader's assumptions. "Sandman Overture" #4 is a thought-provoking read for longtime fans of the original series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Infinite Comix - Jamie Heron Dec 20, 2014

    The Sandman: Overture #4 is a good comic that's hampered by its place in the middle of a story that feels like it should have already ended. No fault on the part of the writer or artist, but this is an issue " as good as it is " that will probably read much better in trade-paperback, where the call-backs and call-forwards are will have much more strength. Until then, this remains a fine issue, but here's hoping the next one comes out sooner, rather than later. Read Full Review

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