Y: The Last Man #10

Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Artist: Pia Guerra Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: April 23, 2003 Cover Price: $2.95 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 8
8.0Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

"Cycles"reaches its explosive conclusion with a sibling's madness, a firefight with a stolen helicopter, and a mysterious Russian who bears urgent news.  All this, plus a truly startling development from Earth's orbit.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell May 7, 2003

    Not really an action packed issue, and the tension between Yorick & Hero wasn't as intense as I expected it to be. Still, Brian K. Vaughan does some very nice work establishing the idea that these characters are siblings, as I rather enjoyed how the tension was sidetracked by Hero's decision to pick at an old wound. Now I must confess I'm a little concerned that Brian K. Vaughan has made Yorick a little too quick to judge & condemn the actions of others, but this is a personality type that many people possess so if this is the direction he wants to take the character, I can't very well say it's wrong. Still, it's not a personality type that lends itself to character development, as he doesn't really mull over ideas, or take the time to look deeper into the problems he comes up against. Still, overall this was a very enjoyable issue, and the last page of this issue certainly sets the stage for what looks like a promising story arc, that should answer some questions about the plague (e.g Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Kozlowski Apr 25, 2003

    I dare say that the final page conveys the biggest and most interesting cliffhanger yet. The next arc should be explosive. While the events in "Cycles" served primarily to emphasize character over story, the next arc is clearly fashioned to advance the central plot. I am looking forward to being shocked and surprised next month, as I am every month by this fantastic comic. Read Full Review

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