Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 5: By J.M.S. Ultimate Collection
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Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 5: By J.M.S. Ultimate Collection

5.6Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

Concluding his lengthy historic run on Spider-Man, JMS takes our hero to new highs and new lows-setting the stage for a new era of Spidey unlike any other! Collecting the famous Civil War, Back in Black and One More Day storylines, this volume has it all: Spider-Man in his new red armor, Spider-Man back in his black costume and Spider-Man unmasked to the public! Spidey fights on both sides of the Civil War, against Captain America and Iron Man themselves! And when Aunt May gets shot by one of the Kingpin's henchmen, how far will Peter go to save her? Witness the final days of Peter and Mary Jane's marriage!

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