Incredible Hulk: Planet Hulk

Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Gary Frank, Aaron Lopresti, Takeshi Miyazawa, Carlo Pagulayan Publisher: Marvel Comics Trade Paperback: April 2, 2008 Issues: 15, Issue Reviews: 179
5.9Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

Collecting Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 #92-105, plus stories from Amazing Fantasy Vol. 2 #15, Giant-Size Hulk Vol. 2 #1, and the Planet Hulk Gladiator Guidebook.

Savage alien planet. Oppressed barbarian tribes. Corrupt emperor. Deadly woman warrior. Gladiators and slaves. Battle axes and hand blasters. Monsters and heroes... and the Incredible Hulk!

  • 9.0
    Loafy Trophy Sep 22, 2022

    I honestly love this arc and I think Pak does an amazing job of crafting a story that really puts the Hulk, not Banner, at the forefront. The entire concept is really smart; from the Illuminati trying to solve a problem to the Roman style gladiatorial combat it all comes together in a John Carter inspired package that perfectly suits the Hulk. The way Pak crafted a place for Hulk's anger to heal the world itself worked really well and allowed the story to act as a treatise on the topic of anger and its potential use.

    I think what really makes the book shine is the new Warbound friends the Hulk makes and the fact that they're all perfectly interesting in their own right. The relationships forged over the 15 or so issues really gives the impression to the reader that they really are forever bonded to one another.

    The sheer amount of tragedy that befalls Miek makes his bouts of rage entirely sympathetic and the metamorphosis he undergoes, both literal and as a leader was one of the highlights of the story. And while I like the sillier version of Korg we get in the Thor movies, I think this more religious version of the character, weighed down by pathos, is much more interesting. He often acts as a counterbalance to Hulk in a way the story desperately needed.

    The romantic subplot between Hulk and Caiera was also really captivating and unexpected. Pak gives the relationship between the two characters a lot of room to grow and by the time it finally blossoms the connection between the characters feels real.

    Overall this is just a great read, one that only Al Ewing and his work on Immortal Hulk has topped.

  • 8.5
    Ultimate Goblin Jan 21, 2022

    This arc isn't perfect. They rushed it af and it really disappointing how quick it ends... And Giant-Size Hulk Vol. 2 #1 was an odd here... But other than that it very interesting and emotional. One of the best and innovative Hulk stories.

  • 8.0
    Fabri_meets_Murdock Feb 21, 2018

    Really enjoyed. Simple story with a lot of actions, but interesting social commentary on slavery, and the reconcilation of humanity after years of division and wars. I reccommend it's reading.

    Some of the dialogue could be better. Some times it get's so action-packed that it becomes a little simplistic. But we came to see Hulk SMASH, right?

  • 10
    Rohail Nov 20, 2017

  • 10
    jandals042 Sep 13, 2021

  • 9.0
    Grifter Jul 15, 2017

  • 9.0
    Rupert Pupkin Oct 20, 2019

  • 8.0
    AleSiryus May 17, 2021

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