Fabri_meets_Murdock's Profile

Joined: Feb 20, 2018

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Fabri_meets_Murdock added Brian Azzarello to their creator watch list Mar 19, 2018
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Fabri_meets_Murdock added Charles Soule to their creator watch list Mar 19, 2018
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Fabri_meets_Murdock added Tom King to their creator watch list Mar 17, 2018
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Best. Superman. Story. Ever.

I recommend it 100%. Long live the URRS :)

Superman: Red Son Vol. 1

By: Mark Millar, Dave Johnson

The critically acclaimed Superman: Red Son now collected in a brand new edition!

In this vivid tale of Cold War paranoia, the ship carrying the infant who would grow up to become Superman lands in the midst of the 1950s Soviet Union, where he is raised on a collective. As he becomes a symbol to the Soviet people, the world changes dr...

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Seriously overrated if you're not a Superman fan. It was the first superman comic I ever bought, and though it was dissappointing given all the love it recieves. A key problem is that Morrison cross-references and storyline assumes that you know a lot about the mythos of superman, which wasn't my case. Also, I found the story simplistic and dull.

All-Star Superman Vol. 1

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely

The complete 12-issue run of ALL-STAR SUPERMAN by Morrison and Quitely is collected in a single trade paperback!Witness the Man of Steel in exciting adventures featuring Lex Luthor, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, Bizarro, and more! Plus: Superman goes toe-to-toe with Bizarro, his oddball twin, and the new character Zibarro, also from the Bizarro planet.

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Really enjoyed. Simple story with a lot of actions, but interesting social commentary on slavery, and the reconcilation of humanity after years of division and wars. I reccommend it's reading.

Some of the dialogue could be better. Some times it get's so action-packed that it becomes a little simplistic. But we came to see Hulk SMASH, right?

Incredible Hulk Planet Hulk

By: Greg Pak, Gary Frank

Collecting Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 #92-105, plus stories from Amazing Fantasy Vol. 2 #15, Giant-Size Hulk Vol. 2 #1, and the Planet Hulk Gladiator Guidebook.

Savage alien planet. Oppressed barbarian tribes. Corrupt emperor. Deadly woman warrior. Gladiators and slaves. Battle axes and hand blasters. Monsters and heroes... and the Incre...

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The key problem with this whole saga is that is not for new readers; in the sense that cross-references and a huge previous knowledge of the characters and their villains is requiered. Picked up the collected edition; it was my first green lantern comics. I found it mediocre since I couldn't understand it fully for the reasons just mentioned.

Green Lantern Vol. 4: The Sinestro Corps War

By: Dave Gibbons, Patrick Gleason

Sinestro -- Hal Jordan's former mentor and arch-nemesis -- has gathered an army of soldiers fueled by the fear they instill in others, consisting of Arkillo, Karu-Sil, the Cyborg-Superman, and hundreds more of the most terrifying villains the universe has ever seen! Former Green Lantern Kyle Rayner has been possessed by the entity known as Parallax...

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Fabri_meets_Murdock reviewed Green Lantern #25 Feb 21, 2018

The key problem with this whole saga is that is not for new readers; in the sense that cross-references and a huge previous knowledge of the characters and their villains is requiered. Picked up the collected edition; it was my first green lantern comics. I found it mediocre since I couldn't understand it fully for the reasons just mentioned.

Green Lantern #25

By: Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis
Released: Dec 12, 2007

Why does Sinestro believe he has won? How will Hal Jordan stop his greatest enemy? What is the truth behind the prophecy of "The Blackest Night"? Where will the end results of this battle take the Green Lantern Corps? What is the bizarre fate of the Anti-Monitor? Why has Earth been assigned so many Green Lanterns? Learn all the secrets! Witness all...

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Ryan - Apr 7, 2020

I can see why you didn’t enjoy this but I don’t think it’s fair to give this issue a 5 because you started with a collected edition smack in the middle of a run.


Green Lantern #24

By: Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis
Released: Oct 10, 2007

Hal Jordan and the world's greatest heroes struggle against the combined terror of Sinestro, Parallax and the Corps of Fear. And when Hal finds himself face-to-face with one of the most bizarre members of the Sinestro Corps, he has a simple choice to make -- keep fighting and die, or lay down and walk away. Plus, what is the prophecy of the Blackes...

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Green Lantern #23

By: Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis
Released: Sep 12, 2007

Hal Jordan! John Stewart! Guy Gardner! Kyle Rayner! Trapped in the depths of the Sinestro Corps' Citadel and face-to-face with the Guardian of Sinestro's army of fear! What it means will change the entire tide of the war. And as Oa prepares for the ultimate attack, the Guardians come to a terrifying conclusion.

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Green Lantern #22

By: Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis
Released: Aug 8, 2007

Sinestro Corps War, Part 3
Stranded on Qward, Hal Jordan faces an army of Sinestro's greatest soldiers...and his secret weapon! Meanwhile, the Guardians of the Universe discover a "traitor" in their midst as an ages-old secret leaks out. Plus, an even greater evil waits on the horizon, one that will plague the DCU long after this war is over....

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Green Lantern #21

By: Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis
Released: Jul 11, 2007

SInestro Corps War, Part 2
Sinestro's army of fear has gathered: Arkillo! Karu-Sil! The Cyborg-Superman! And hundreds more of the most terrifying villains the universe has ever seen!

Hal Jordan has overcome great fear throughout his life, but what fear still lingers inside him? Parallax knows, and Hal's about to be reminded as ...

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Fabri_meets_Murdock added Geoff Johns to their creator watch list Feb 21, 2018
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Fabri_meets_Murdock added Brian Michael Bendis to their creator watch list Feb 21, 2018
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Fabri_meets_Murdock added Ed Brubaker to their creator watch list Feb 21, 2018
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Fabri_meets_Murdock added Mark Waid to their creator watch list Feb 21, 2018
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Fabri_meets_Murdock added Doomsday Clock to their pull list Feb 20, 2018

Doomsday Clock

DC Comics presents to you a 12-issue maxiseries from the critically acclaimed team of writer Geoff Johns, artist Gary Frank and colorist Brad Anderson. You are not prepared for what lies ahead within these pages, good readers.

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Fabri_meets_Murdock added Batman (2016) to their pull list Feb 20, 2018

Batman (2016)

"I AM GOTHAM" chapter one
No one has ever stopped the Caped Crusader. Not The Joker. Not Two-Face. Not even the entire Justice League. But how does Batman confront a new hero who wants to save the city from the Dark Knight?
CAN'T MISS: Superstar artist David Finch returns to Batman alongside writer Tom King for this five-part storyline.

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Fabri_meets_Murdock added Swamp Thing Winter Special to their pull list Feb 20, 2018

Swamp Thing Winter Special

Tom King and Jason Fabok pay tribute to the legendary creators of Swamp Thing, writer Len Wein and artist Bernie Wrightson, as they join forces for an earth-shattering Swamp Thing passion project!
In this new, squarebound one-shot, Swamp Thing is out of his element as he shepherds a lost boy through a blinding blizzard and other hazards of a st...

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