Green Lantern #23

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Ivan Reis Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 12, 2007 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 18
9.1Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

Hal Jordan! John Stewart! Guy Gardner! Kyle Rayner! Trapped in the depths of the Sinestro Corps' Citadel and face-to-face with the Guardian of Sinestro's army of fear! What it means will change the entire tide of the war. And as Oa prepares for the ultimate attack, the Guardians come to a terrifying conclusion.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers/Chris Murman Sep 14, 2007

    Powers: For me, this series is the reason I read comics. Everything I love about Green Lantern is here: the action, the character, the sci-fi adventure; its all rolled into one package in this story. This storyline reminds me why I want to write and portray Hal Jordan on film. I may be a die-hard Hal Jordan and Green Lantern fan, but as a comic book reader and fan, I think this is one of the single greatest comic book sagas ever. Geoff Johns continues to prove that he is the best in the game when it comes to superheroes, and indeed there is as much build-up as there is action in this series. This is my Pick of the Week. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Sep 13, 2007

    Green Lantern #23 was another phenomenal read. We are getting treated to the rare combination of amazing writing and stunning artwork that culminate into a story arc that is currently the best read on the market. If you are not reading this title then you have to do yourself the favor and give it a try. Trust me; Green Lantern is absolutely worth the price of admission. This story arc has something for all fans action, drama, strong dialogue and good character work. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Sep 12, 2007

    This issue was a joy to read and this should be DC's mega event that crossover into every book. The scale and scope of this crossover is incredible and every issue is packed with highlight reel moments. As I stated earlier, the only complaint is Johns' appears to be trying to put too much in each issue. The battle with Lyssa and the Anti-Monitor are a couple of instances of this. A page or two and then a few skipped scenes as the Lanterns are escaping with no real explanation or visibly shown means of escape. Thankfully, Johns has a bunch of one-shots to fill in the gaps along with Green Lantern Corps to fill my appetite for all things Sinestro Corps War related and hopefully it will hold me over until the next issue of this spectacular book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comic Addiction - Corwin C. Crowl Sep 3, 2007

    Finally hitting the halfway mark of this crossover you have to wonder what else could they have planned. How much bigger can it get? Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis have begun to weave all the plot elements into something cohesive. It seems the final battle ground has been chosen but the majority of the Corps is either on OA or battling out on Mogo. While the Lost Lanterns return Ion to the Guardians, Sinestro has already begun moving his most powerful members into battle. Cyborg Superman and his Manhunters are bringing the Central Yellow Battery into battle, Superboy Prime has been sitting on the moon ready for action and now Parallax threatens Hal’s family. Amidst all this chaos Ganthet and Sayd are banished from the Guardian council. While the Guardians refuse to act directly can Ganthet and Sayd help save Earth? Read Full Review

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