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Joined: Jan 13, 2025

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Sebastianhhh reviewed Bodies #8 Mar 25, 2025

I'm coming in not having read the other issues but oh my god this just blatant liberal propaganda. They literally have a Muslim chick saying that the Muslims just want to be loved and accepted by the UK and if that would just happen and UK would be more tolerant than everyone would get along. Uh yeah ok, UK has been extremely tolerant of Muslims and they literally get their women raped and babies more

Bodies #8

By: Si Spencer, Phil Winslade
Released: Feb 25, 2015

As Edmond solves the case of his life, Whiteman and Maplewood are offered the chance to save the world in very different ways, and Shahara uncovers the final mystery at the heart of BODIES.

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RedDiamondDame reviewed Spider-Gwen #1 Mar 13, 2015

Compared to Edge of Spider-verse #2, this issue falls completely flat. The art and colors are vibrant. The fight scenes and spectacular and the troll like humor at the expensive of the vulture is chuckle worthy. The problem is the vapid Mary Janes, the over extension of the writer in attempting to represent a generation he is clearly not in tune with and an overall lack of heart in the issue. havi more

Spider-Gwen #1

By: Jason Latour, Robbi Rodriguez
Released: Feb 25, 2015

•  BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT! The breakout hit of the biggest Spider-Event of the century is taking comic shops by storm this winter with her own new ongoing series - SPIDER-GWEN!
•  Gwen Stacy is Spider-Woman, but you knew that already. What you DON'T know is what friends and foes are waiting fo...

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Sebastianhhh - Mar 23, 2025

" it will be crushed under the weight of "traditional" fans feeling threatened by yet another women readers centric book." Wow its almost like women don't read comics and the only people supporting this comic at all were the "sexist" men who were "afraid of a book for women." I mean seriously this series only lasted five issues and the only people reading it and reviewing it are dudes.

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Ultimate Goblin reviewed Isom #1 Jul 31, 2023

Well... You know, there are indie creators who might be inexperienced and mid, but they at least don't try to put a weight of a "creator of industry saving comic" title on their shoulders. This Rippaverse got really loud on YouTube and other media platforms as some anti-woke, anti-retcon, anti-mainstream comic and you know, I couldn't be not interested in it. Of course I was very suspicious about more

Isom #1

By: Eric July
Released: Oct 5, 2022

Avery Silman is a common rancher, but that wasnt always the case. After obtaining some unique abilities, Avery spent a brief stint being a hero under the moniker Isom in the city of Florepark, Texas. Realizing that it wasnt for him, he walked away from this life. But after responding to a call from his sister, some violent altercations ensue and ha...

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