From the UXM bunch, this is the best edition so far. It is very satisfying as an oneshot, and maybe because just that, finally UXM pacing finds a solid footing this time - a problem other issues struggles from, especially after the crossover events. This time, though, the story comes out smooth and seamless (if not for the ever present problem of no subtext - but in this oneshot format, this lack more
• The smoothest X-Man, Remy LeBeau, A.K.A. GAMBIT, is forced to face his past, as an UNSTOPPABLE force comes to collect a DEBT, whether from the Cajun's pocket or his HIDE.
• Details of Remy's life, never before revealed in this thrilling one-shot crime tale, as everyone's favorite card-thrower faces THE VIG.
JOURNEY INTO THE LOST WORLD WITH ROGUE, MAGNETO, KA-ZAR AND MORE! The X-Man called Rogue has always been a survivor, but without her mutant powers, she'll need to prove it like never before! As the Savage Land turns toward war, Rogue will need all her skills to survive dinosaurs, mutates and the Master of Magnetism himself! Writer Tim Seeley (LOCAL...
JOURNEY INTO THE LOST WORLD WITH ROGUE, MAGNETO, KA-ZAR AND MORE! The X-Man called Rogue has always been a survivor, but without her mutant powers, she'll need to prove it like never before! As the Savage Land turns toward war, Rogue will need all her skills to survive dinosaurs, mutates and the Master of Magnetism himself! Writer Tim Seeley (LOCAL...
In one word? The original work from the nineties is better. This New version can't even exist within itself - it needs the previous Savage Land to make any sense. So, what's the point, if the original arc is fully completed by itself? I see none - good stories are new stories, not retellings catering to specific audiences.
But i gotta commend Marvel on exploiting a very specific fanbas more
JOURNEY INTO THE LOST WORLD WITH ROGUE, MAGNETO, KA-ZAR AND MORE! The X-Man called Rogue has always been a survivor, but without her mutant powers, she'll need to prove it like never before! As the Savage Land turns toward war, Rogue will need all her skills to survive dinosaurs, mutates and the Master of Magnetism himself! Writer Tim Seeley (LOCAL...