The artwork is gorgeous. Reading this first issue hits all the nostalgia buttons. Nearly all the variant covers are a must have!
If you're a Rogue fan, this is the comic for you. She is well-written and personality is believable as being truly the character of Rogue - unlike the Uncanny series.
There are some funny moments too. This comic already sold out within a week and Marvel is currently reprinting more.
Get yourself a copy!
As excited as I was to get a story to fill in the blanks here, I think my expectations weren't as sky-high for this series before its release; but after reading the first issue I'm absolutely hooked. Tim Seeley's Rogue is so genuine and such a refreshing read on her character right now, and Lavina & Rosenberg's art and colors are FANTASTIC--Rogue isn't just drawn for cheesecake (though when she is, it's still great!) and her expressions really shine through and draw you to her emotions rather than state of dress. I can't overstate how much I love her characterization in this issue, this Rogue is vulnerable and spunky and raw, and I'm looking forward to how this run fills in the blanks of this story, and the foundation of her relationship with Magneto.
So far, I can't recommend this series enough to people, and I have a feeling the rest of the issues will live up to the hype I'm getting from this one. more
Une des meilleures séries X Men du moment, Rogue:Savage Land est une parfaite réintroduction au personnage qu'est Rogue. Que vous ayez lus les premiers numéros ou que vous soyez novice à l'univers de Marvel, Tim Seeley nous fait découvrir une version incroyablement humaine de l'héroïne aussi tourmenté qu'espiegle que represente Rogue; la protagoniste titulaire. Tout celà sans compter au trait très expressif de l'artiste Zulema Scotto, ayant déjà de l'expérience en tant que partenaire dessinatrice de Seeley avec la série Hexware. Ensembles, ils réussissent a créer une ambiance dynamique et pleine d'émotions dans Rogue:Savage Land.
On y trouve ici une exploration nécessaire du personnage qui, ces derniers temps, commençait à flâner entre des interprétations insipides, stéréotypées, voire même cruche. Faut dire qu'il en est devenu difficile de séparer l'héroïne doté d'un passé indépendante, de son Beau aux yeux rouges (voir avant la création de son amant "rat des marécages" typiquement playboy et trompeur mais auquel le mystère ne fait que cacher un vide béant auquel les fantasmes du lecteur; souvent masculins, comblent une absence pointée de profondeur). Les cieux soient louées, nous avons ici une opportunité rare de voir Rogue rayonner de sa propre force de caractère! Autant espérons que cette tendance continue, bien qu'elle ne semble être que peu probable. more
I will admit, I came into this issue not really knowing what to expect from this story, what sort of things there were to tell about Rogue during her time in the Savage Land that we didn't get to see before, but I was thoroughly impressed with this story.
Tim Seely captures Rogue's inner voice very well, and shows how well he understands her character as she shows her inner strength against great odds, from just surviving the dangers of the Savage Land, to battling the crippling loneliness and isolation that she had to face during that time. There is one scene in particular where she relies on the positive memories of the people she had previously absorbed to help her through the difficult times, and it was very well handled.
The art too was phenomenal. Zulema Lavina captures each character beautifully and shows how dangerous the Savage Land is through her artwork. The villains who appear are very unnerving creatures to look at, while all the human characters look amazing.
If anyone out there is thinking this book is just about Rogue and her damaged clothes, think again. There is so much depth and consideration given to her character here and I think everyone would do well to not judge a book by its cover and pick this up. Rogue is handled very well here and I am now looking forward to what comes next for her in this story arc. more
The characterization is spot-on, with authentic voices and engaging inner dialogues that capture the heart of the characters. The stunning artwork brings Rogue’s emotions to life better than I’ve seen as of late, and the atmospheric details are breathtaking.
Exploring this previously uncharted timeframe adds much-needed depth to Rogue’s story, making it a treat for true fans. This comic beautifully enriches her character and offers a fresh perspective on her journey.
I liked some of the writing here, but the artwork wasn't great and I felt like other characters just popped up out of nowhere. There was no real hook. It was simply Rogue being trapped with creatures and dinosaurs. Stuff we have seen dozens of times. I won't be continuing it.
Jeremy Adams interview - https://youtube.com/live/GUqtOTR4GHY?feature=share
I love these types of books when they are done well and curse the heavens when they are done poorly. This time I really don't know what to do. Expanding on old plots from books we have fond memories of is fine by me but the story has to be entertaining and well written to bring back that feeling of nostalgia and here it varies wildly. The poor man's Jim Lee artwork is so distracting at times because of an odd angle here or a feeling of being unfinished there that it takes away from the reading experience. I think the lettering in this issue is bad and that's usually a non issue but here it bugs the shit out of me for some reason. The overuse of Rogues accent really ruins many of the inner voice panels that are needed to set the tone for the issue and the opening is also kind of boring which never bodes well for the rest of a comic. I didn't hate this but it could have been so much more than it wound up being. I love Local Man by Seeley but so much of his other work turns out to be like this, a dud. more
I don’t know why this even exists. It adds nothing to the classic story. Worse, both art and writing are not even close to Claremont and Lee, which makes this comic completely redundant.
What a disappointment...
I was really looking forward to this, but wow I couldn't believe how poor the writing was and how jumbled and stupid the whole plot comes off. The art is not enough either to keep my attention. There are some good panels but most of this feels rushed. I liked how it was showing how she was figuring out how to survive but it lost focus at some point I think when those creatures disturbed her in the cave she was sleeping in.
Coming from a Super Rogue fan, like I have all of her comics, love them all even the not so popular ones. But this is awful. If I was writing this I would have really emphasized the savage land and bare basic survival. Really play on that more than this.
What really pisses me off is they made sure to make a great looking cover including the variants which are superb pieces. But that's it, inside is an empty shell like your average materialistic American female who only cares about money and status.
Do not buy, stay away, I was only fooled by dat Savage Rogue look baby lol. more
Probably gonna be a broken record with the other reviews here, but oh well. Story was so much better the first time around, art style is lacking. Just isn't as nearly enjoyable as the other current X-Men runs we're getting right now. Pretty disappointed.
In one word? The original work from the nineties is better. This New version can't even exist within itself - it needs the previous Savage Land to make any sense. So, what's the point, if the original arc is fully completed by itself? I see none - good stories are new stories, not retellings catering to specific audiences.
But i gotta commend Marvel on exploiting a very specific fanbase while re-heating old stories that were better done in their time. Surely spares a lot of creative work, i guess, while selling the variant covers. In the meantime, I'll wait for galactus's what if with Rogue - a story of hers I've truly never seen.
Lets be honest. People are buying this issue for the cover art and not the DOA/brain dead wreck of a story.