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Joined: Jul 09, 2013

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Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size #1

By: Mark Millar, Steve McNiven
Released: Sep 23, 2009

“OLD MAN LOGAN” Part 8 (of 8) Prepare yourselves for the most brutal battle in the history of comics as Wolverine returns—and unleashes a tidal wave of bloody revenge! It’s Wolverine versus the Hulk Gang to the death!

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slimshady247 reviewed Batman #52 Jun 9, 2016

Normally Tynion manages to write some decent issues, but this was horrendous, particularly coming off of #51. As soon as I saw 52 being shoehorned into the story and Bruce holding that goddamn book while diving out of a plane, I wanted to burn this issue. Awful, awful addendum to the run. I thought Tynion was better than this (and judging from the earlier back-ups in this series and the Detective more

Batman #52

By: James Tynion IV, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: May 11, 2016

Echoes from Batman's past ripple out into Gotham City's future

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Gizmo reviewed Batman #52 May 17, 2016

I grant that this is a difficult spot to put Tynion in: the Snyder/Capullo run just wrapped, which are some bog shoes to fill, this needs to be a one-shot and readers expect closure and some fuzzy emotional feels to close out on. That being said, doesn't it bother anyone else that Bruce Wayne is lugging around this stupid giant text-book-sized notebook throughout his worldly training? The first ti more

Batman #52

By: James Tynion IV, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: May 11, 2016

Echoes from Batman's past ripple out into Gotham City's future

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Superior Spider-Man #13

By: Dan Slott, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Jul 10, 2013

Part Three of "No Escape"!
Superior Spider-Man teams up with the Lizard!Mayor Jameson demands that Spider-Man KILL the Spider-Slayer!

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Batman Incorporated #12

By: Grant Morrison, Chris Burnham
Released: Jul 3, 2013

Leviathan and the Heretic are on the ropes...could Batman be on the verge of avenging all hes lost?

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